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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Pilots Dying of Myocarditis While Flying Packed Passenger Planes

stock here: I did a detailed article re: FAA loosening requirements on the EKG of Pilots into a range where real danger exists.    That is 100% true. 

This story from march 12, indicates a British Pilot dying right before flying a full plane.   It is a bit odd, as the details are so sketchy.   They also point out that the plane he was to fly was not big enough to carry his coffin.    That is #FAF because of course they wouldn't immediately dump him in a coffin and load him up on the same flight.   Of course that wouldn't happen. 

But here it is: I'll try to find more.



As of March 13, Lund said she had yet to receive a reply from Northrup.

When the Epoch Times sought comment from Northrup, an FAA spokesman responded on her behalf: “The FAA has seen no credible evidence of aircraft accidents or incapacitations caused by pilots suffering medical complications associated with COVID-19 vaccines.”

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has been investigating COVID vaccine concerns in aviation.

In a Feb. 10 letter to Johnson, Northrup said that the FAA knew of only four “potentially vaccine-related adverse events in active pilots.”

She also said that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) “is the responsible agency for tracking and follow up of suspected vaccine adverse events”—not the FAA.


Sen Ron Johnson wrote a letter to the FAA with good questions that were nearly 100% dodged.

The FAA made the change to the 1st degree AV block interval in 2017 after discussions with our cardiology panel, which included FAA doctors as well as external practicing cardiologists. We determined we could safely increase the range from 200ms to 300ms without requiring a pilot exam.  

Total weasel bullshit.   Pilots over 40 get an EKG every 6 months.   So FAA is implying that it is safe because they are not putting the Pilot with PR  Interval over 200 to "another test".   My article clearly showed increased risks of heart problems as the PR Interval increases over 200 ms.  

"First Degree AV Block" is not actually a block, but a delay in the better named and better used PR Interval above 200ms to as high as 300ms.   Above 300ms means in practice, that you are going to be getting a Pacemaker in the next year or so.    

If you want to learn more from ECG and ECHO Learning, check this out.

 Before JAMA was captured and became a POS lying Globalist tool....they actually published good stuff in 2009

Conclusion Prolongation of the PR interval is associated with increased risks of AF, pacemaker implantation, and all-cause mortality


This is a great article that pulls together data and interviews from Pilots injured by the Injections

Yoder said USFF “has received hundreds of phone calls from airline employees who are experiencing adverse reactions post COVID-19 vaccination,” describing the stories as “heartbreaking.”

According to Yoder, the warnings contained in the letter, including testimony by “world-renowned experts,” were “completely ignored,” adding that “we are now beginning to see the consequences.”

This is leading an increasing number of pilots to “come forward to expose the truth regarding these toxic injections,” Yoder said.







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