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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Chemicals Used In Male to Female "Gender" Switching

Although the recent mass shooting is somewhat suspect, the bodycam footage looks very real.   I don't think actors could have pulled that off.    It was odd though how they blurred out the entire body of the Murderer as police found "him".    The current view is that the shooter was a birth female who wanted to be male.   Rather odd, as the pictures show more of an androgynous look, neither male or female. 

Gender Dyphoria is maybe a few people in say 10,000 where it is a real thing.   In most of the others, it is more like a confusion, real life problems, and a large amount of mental illness.   They have all kinds of problems, including health problems.    It is nothing to be prideful of, nor ashamed, but certainly not prideful.   There is a huge cost thrown at our already costly and dysfunctional medical system, especially in the USA.

So I wanted to see what kind of chemicals they were likely giving to the shooter.   

Testosterone by pill by topical (as a cream).    We know testosterone increases aggression, and can a bunch of other effects.   Funny how this article fails to mention the increase in aggression.   Think about our pro athletes that pretty much have the world by the balls so to speak, and yet get into  horrible troubles and physical violence.    It's a double edged sword.

The Yale article originally concluded that their study indicated that "it made sense" to provide gender affirming surgery to people that want them.   It's curious because 13.2% of a CDC study were being prescribed Anti-depressants / Anti-Anxiety.   So if it's 3 times more for transgender types, that will be 40%.    That sounds like pretty crappy odds.   For Women, it may be 17.7% x3 = 53.1% clinically depressed.    That combined with max dosing of testosterone looks like a recipe for disaster.


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