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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

JAMA, AFter Facilitating The Great Genocide, Now Carries Water For the Jews / Nazi Anatomy

 "Because Science and Medicine are NEVER Apolitical"

You be the judge, read it.

 Amazingly, they use this "research" to justify abortion, rather focusing on the reality....aborted babies are products that are sold in part and in whole.

One 28 YO woman quit her dissection job, because they were using bodies "legally" executed for being seditionists.    And always they try to spin the Jew aspect, even when there is tenuous grounds.     How to milk that cow for 75 years.

The author of the above link, cites her own work, while highlighting "structural racism".

They also spin the racism against blacks too....looks like some of it was true.   

 An 1832 law in Britain permitted access to the unclaimed bodies of anyone who died in a prison or workhouse. In the United States, medical students robbed graves, often of African-Americans. ‘‘In Baltimore the bodies of colored people exclusively are taken for dissection because the whites do not like it, and the colored people cannot resist,’’ a British travel writer observed in 1838. When paupers were the target of body snatching, the practice was justified by their poverty. “Why would those who have made war on society or have been a burden to it be permitted to say what shall be done with their remains?” the Washington Post asked in an 1877 editorial. “Why should they not be compelled to be of some use after death, having failed to be of value to the world during life?”


Anatomy and the Powers of Medical Science

The history of anatomy as a medical science is both one of the expansion of knowledge of the human body and substantial benefit to humanity, as well as a darker side involving ethical transgressions. As such, anatomy has had a powerful effect on both the science of health care and medical ethics.

The history of anatomy in Nazi Germany highlights the insidious and ultimately disastrous consequences when inhumane tendencies within anatomy—and all medical science and practice—were enabled by an antidemocratic, antisemitic, and racist regime.1 Anatomy presents an example of ethical offenses by scientists and health care professionals that were amplified in the criminal political climate of the Nazi regime.2 This can happen anywhere, at any time because science and medicine are never apolitical.

Anatomists and Their Complex Relationship With the Nazi Government

Over centuries, anatomists and the respective government authorities of the time and place had close relationships because the anatomical body supply was regulated by law. Under the Nazis, the leadership of the formerly state-governed universities was taken over by the Reich Ministry of Education, which not only regulated body procurement but also funded faculty recruitment and the professional association of anatomy, the Anatomische Gesellschaft.2 While Jewish and politically dissident anatomists—about a third of all anatomists—were forced out of their positions and their country by the Nazi regime, the majority of the remaining anatomists joined the Nazi party by 1945, some of them with great conviction.2 None of them defended their persecuted colleagues. Rather, the physical anthropologists among them provided the biological basis for Nazi policies with their work in race hygiene, a variant of the international eugenics movement developed in the late 19th century.2 Thereby, they facilitated legislation on forced sterilization, the murderous “euthanasia” program,3 and the exclusion and persecution of Jews, Sinti, and Roma and other populations not considered “worthy” to be part of the German people.

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