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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Voting Fraud Via The Voting Machines

 This article covers the shaky #FaF convoluted ownership of voting machines and tabulation methods.    It does not dive into the "features" of various voting machines, and "web connectivity".

But the whole ownership debacle, and the "anti-trust" buffoonery are fishy enough, and it's long story, one hard to follow.



In 1974, a young man who worked at a printing company named Robert J. Urosevich had a history-altering realization: the optical mark reader machines being used to score standardized school tests (quickly by the thousands) might have other applications too. Thus was born in the brain of an otherwise unremarkable salesman one of history’s worst ideas: could these machines also read an election ballot?

Unfortunately, Bob Urosevich would live long enough to find out.

So Bob, along with his brother Todd, formed a new company in 1976 called Data Mark Systems (DESI) to get “electronic voting machines” into American politics. Because our parents were wiser than us, this new idea was a flop in the 1970s. Sadly, this failure did not stop Bob Urosevich. When the scanner manufacturer, Westinghouse, sensibly got out of the voting machine business in 1979, Bob started his second company — called American Information Systems (AIS) — to further his terrible idea and its awful legacy.

The New from The Captured US Government: Don't Worry About Dying Young, Since You Aren't Going to Be Healthy Anyway

 This was curious.   I did some research several years back, and bottom line was that if you were already 55 and fairly healthy that your life expectancy would not be 78 years, the average, but more like 88 years.   

This had massive implications for financial planning.   And the elephant in the room no one was talking about, not even knowing that it should be talked about. 

Now, the numbers appear completely different, and "they" are saying that if you are 60 in USA, you can plan on another 21 years, so 81.    Seems very odd.  

But a meme stood out, and I am calling the bastards out.    

Don't Worry About Dying Young, Since You Aren't Going to Be Healthy Anyway 

Oh cool, now "they" have put malware bytes up to censoring my third site.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Blind Continue to "Trust Authority". For Those That Know and Tell The Truth, This is Only the Beginning

Seen on the net.....what does it take before the brutal obvious cannot be ignored or accepted?

Heartbreaking, to see photos of young or youngish, fit, very happy appearing people, taken down like this.

We would be so much better able to oppose medical tyranny if everyone knew these stories. If asked, "Was it worth it?" even if they still believed those jabs protect some people, I think nearly all would say, "NO!" If not, add, "What if it happened to your son or daughter?"

The MSM is part of the criminal base, if only for not shouting these cases from the rooftops, so that only people living under rocks could 'not know'.

Excuse me...temporarily misplaced realization that MSM promotes the jab to this day.

My cousin, in her 70s, is jabbed and repeatedly boosted. This past winter, she had a strep throat for the first time in her life. Never had one as a child, she said. She also has a relatively new heart condition for which she takes meds.

She is a retired nurse.

She is unable to connect the dots, even now.

Total brainwashing, complete trust in the medical establishment.

She is intelligent, if by that one means capable of logical thinking. My own definition of 'intelligence' required reassessment, because of my cousin.

No one who regurgitates "authoritative" data and/or summaries, however accurately, is 'intelligent'.

A necessary base for intelligence is personal observation and contemplation, and possibly readings of studies, while armed with a good BS detector set to full capacity.

My cousin thinks about what she believes she knows.

But she believes falsehoods. She has very little that is factual to think about, due to misplaced trust in the medical establishment.

She's a nice lady, caring, and she tries to do good in her community.

But she cannot learn from life, for now, because she believes she is right on this, because she trusts her sources of information. She 'knows' the unjabbed are also unhinged, or propagandized and ill-informed, possibly paranoid/deluded, because MDs and very official health authorities told her that.

MSM does not disturb her impression of reality by relating discordant stories that might spoil the bliss of 'knowing' the authorities are intelligent and principled.

Her mind is so given over to the official Source of Narrative that she cannot take in, much less examine, alternative ideas for truth or falsehood.

It's rather religious really, her way of believing. She exercises a blind faith in authoritative voices.

She should exorcise it instead.

She doesn't realize she worships entrenched powers that consider her disposable. She does what they tell her to do, trusting their answers to her questions.

Maybe, the first commandment ought to have been, "Do your own homework! Be honest!"

But really, it is. The command, or wise advice, not to worship false gods does actually mean, literally, not to trust as an authority, anyone other than God. There is after all, only One real authority and source of truth.

I think, that does mean we need to do our own homework, honestly evaluate opposing narratives.

We can only look within for truth, after examining data, because our only potential point of contact with reality, truth, and God, is the awareness within ourselves.

An outside "authority" to which we surrender our minds, and for which we ditch a moral imperative to actively seek the truth, IS a false god.

It is really a "strange god", no part of us, and is an unworthy object of devotion and reliance.

I concluded that a willingness to investigate ideas under debate, against one's biases perhaps, and also to acknowledge whatever emerges as 'true' upon honest evaluation, is a necessary practical basis for intelligent thought.

Any computer is capable of logical manipulation of data, but that does not make it intelligent. GIGO.

People should respect themselves enough to access basic information, as much as possible, for themselves.

Too many, like unaware machines, accept the input, even the summaries, of others, as necessarily true.

My cousin is a nice lady. She means to be a good person, to contribute to the well being of her community, to be kind.

But sadly, she is very easy for "authority" figures to deceive.

One might try to speak one's own truth to her, but for now, she cannot hear or understand. Communication would strike the ear, to be rejected as nonsense. Blocked. Her defensive wall might even thicken.

Time? Other lifetimes? An event that opens her eyes? Yes, in her time, not my own.

No good thing or person will remain lost forever. I believe that, because it seems true from within.

All who can see through the false narratives, however lonely that status may be at times, are the fortunate ones, even aside from not being compromised by injections.

To be secure in one's knowledge base, to have "done your own homework" is good.

For the rest, I also believe that all human suffering serves a purpose, a divine purpose. And that no one who has suffered through ignorance or deception will not be compensated/rewarded/acknowledged with more life than they ever lost. It will be real, not a dream.

This world is difficult, relationships require effort, by design. By rejecting tyranny over our minds and bodies, we serve heaven.

Not one of us, they say (though I am inclined to be skeptical), gets out of here alive. That indicates it is a good idea to think, not in terms of winning or losing, but always in terms of how we play the game. Honestly? With integrity of mind and deed?

Peace to those who fell for the narrative, or who naively accepted an injection program in hopes of living a "normal life", not recognizing the dangers of unexamined belief.

It so often looks like "the end". But for those who tell the truth, here and now, this is only a beginning.

A Venn Diagram of Our Dystopian Reality

The question remains though, when do we eat Ze Bugs!

A "Great" Collection of Robinette Biden Abusing Children In Front of Their Parents on Video. Biden Choose Dopamine Hits Through Abuse Rather Than Alcohol

 Biden's Father and grandfather were both the Dopamine Type of Alcohol abuser.    They took great risks and often ended up broke.   They abused Alcohol for their Dopamine hits, 7% of all people have this characteristic.    Joe Robinette choose to abuse children instead.   This gives him a huge Dopamine hit, and this is also how he is being controlled as the puppet he is.   Imagine.  


Saturday, May 27, 2023

When I Saw This Photo of Kissinger, I Thought It Was His Obituary, Instead His 100th Birthday

This photo was from 5 yers ago.....I wonder what that creep looks like now.    Must be the Adrenochrome like Soros.

Could anyone call him a hero???   Methinks not.   A cunning strategist.....sure, pure evil would be hard to argue against.

Kissinger, along with Nixon, also bore the brunt of criticism from American allies when North Vietnamese communist forces took Saigon in 1975 as the remaining U.S. personnel fled what is now known as Ho Chi Minh City.

Kissinger additionally was accused of orchestrating the expansion of the conflict into Laos and Cambodia, enabling the rise of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime that killed an estimated 2 million Cambodians.

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Jesuits and the Jews Are Running 95% of All The Deadly Ops and Psy-Ops

Top Pfizer shareholder Vanguard Group controlled by the Jesuits?

The Vanguard Group is one of the largest asset management corporations in the world, and it’s the top shareholder of Pfizer, along with BlackRock, another gigantic asset management company.

The Vanguard Group is based in Pennsylvania, which seems to be a Jesuit stronghold, as I showed a couple years ago. And the corporation is apparently controlled by the Jesuits, as 5 of its 11 managing directors are Jesuit trained;

  • Joseph Brennan, managing director and Vanguard’s global chief risk officer. B.A. from Fairfield University, a Jesuit university in Connecticut.
  • Chris McIsaac, managing director of Vanguard’s International division. B.S. from Saint Joseph’s University, the Jesuit university in Philadelphia.
  • Michael Rollings, chief financial officer and managing director of Vanguard’s Finance division. M.S. from the mighty Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic university in America and the U.S. Jesuit power base, in Washington, D.C.
  • Lauren Valente, managing director of Vanguard’s Human Resources division. B.S. from Saint Joseph’s University and M.B.A from Villanova University, which is a Catholic Augustinian university in Jesuit controlled Philadelphia.
  • Karin Risi, managing director of Vanguard’s Planning and Development Group. B.S. and M.B.A from Villanova University. Technically, she’s not Jesuit trained, but all other Catholic religious orders are subordinate to the Jesuits, and Villanova University is based in a suburb of Philadelphia, the Jesuit stronghold.

Pfizer’s, which has made massive profits with the coronavirus plandemic, top insider shareholder is Frank D’Amelio, who served as its CFO from 2007 to 2021. D’Amelio has a B.S. from Saint Peter’s University, the Jesuit university in New Jersey, and a M.B.A. from St. John’s University, a Catholic Vincentian university in New York City.

As a reminder, there are 27 colleges and universities in the USA that belong to the Association of Jesuit Collerges and Universities (AJCU). These are places through which the Jesuits build up their influence in America by indoctrinating future leaders and societal influencers, and they’re also great places to recruit willing Jesuit coadjutors, or Jesuit agents, who will further their globalist, anti-American, anti-protestant agenda.

Reply (1)

Bourla is a Jew, why do you call them Jesuit?

I hope the Jesuit Pope meets his maker soon....

Reply (1)

Because I’ve spent lots of time seeking answers for things that didn’t add up. And it took me awhile, but I’ve finally found some pieces to the puzzle.

The Society of Jesus are really the opposite. They are Talmudic (fake) Jews who serve Lucifer.

They control Roman Catholicism and many secret societies, including Freemasonry.

The Bible reveals the mystery of Babylon the Great in Revelation 17.

Turns out she is a City sitting on 7 mountains, and she reigns over the kingdoms of the earth. What is being revealed here is Vatican City, Rome.

However, the wicked bastards that run the Jesuit Order, aren’t just in Rome. They are in Jerusalem, and every other nation on earth too. Busy infiltrating and corrupting all religions, governments, and educational institutions world wide.

The Bible reveals their Babylonian roots, and a biblical history scholar would be able to explain to you how they’ve formed and taught their doctrines of demons down through the ages. At first in Babylon, then to Alexandria, Egypt…they dragged their oral traditions along with them down through the ages, and finally put them in writing. People think Judaism is a religion based on the Torah…it’s not. It’s based on their oral traditions that they’ve passed down from Babylon. Their rabbis study the Babylonian Talmud, and they HATE JESUS CHRIST. I won’t even repeat what they teach about him.

These people are of their father, the devil. They are serpent seed, and they Worship Lucifer.

These are the same scribes and Pharisees that had Jesus put to death. The same people who Jesus himself said, ye are of your father, the devil. The same people John the Baptist called a brood of Vipers!!!

Teaching their traditions, they make the Laws of God of none effect.

There’s a reason that Catholic priests where the same colors as the Sanhedrin, and skullcaps just like the rabbis. Yeah, they may call them something different, but these same people snuck their Gnosticism into the church, and corrupted it.

These men may not have been known as Jesuits until a few hundred years ago, but they’ve always been known as the synagogue of Satan, because that’s who they are.

If you want to be able to figure out the details, you can read the following book:

Solving the mystery of Babylon The GREAT, by Edward Hendrie

For everyone who is curious, but too lazy to buy a book. Here are some pictures I took from inside the book that reveal some hidden truths.

Lucifer’s Temple - Inside the Vatican

Synagogue of Satan

Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Revelation 17:4-7 (KJV) 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

Revelation 17:9 (KJV) And here [is] the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

Revelation 17:18 (KJV) And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Brought to you by Pfizer, a Jesuit Corporation.

Hired by the Department of Defense to poison humanity.

Sorry guys....I’m way past the talking points of “is the vaccine dangerous”

I want people to know who planned it, and rolled it out onto humanity.

Remember these words, because in time they will be known by all:

All roads lead back to Rome, and from there, straight to Jerusalem.

The Jesuits are behind all of this, and once you know who they REALLY are, you will finally understand the Rome/Jerusalem connection.

Solving the mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT, by Edward Hendrie

Or for a basic understanding of how wicked these men are:

Hawaii Continues to push hard to Inject the elderly, the Pregnant, The Children. Shame on Them!!!!

stock here: It's funny how the "Aloha State" can be one of the most marxist and most stupid States in the USA. 

Keiki is children, they are pushing the Injections for children, who are at nearly no risk from COVID, but significant risk from the Injections.


Updated vaccines are free for everyone 6 months and older.

Step #1 Check your eligibility

Everyone 6-months-old and older is eligible for free COVID-19 vaccinations regardless of health insurance status.

Updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna Vaccines

Updated vaccines are specifically designed to protect against original COVID-19 and Omicron subvariants. Updated vaccines are free and available for all Hawai‘i residents 6 months and older who have not yet received the updated vaccine. People aged 65 years and older and those who are immunocompromised may get a 2nd updated vaccine.

Monovalent Boosters

The monovalent Novavax booster is recommended for adults age 18 and older if a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna booster is not clinically appropriate for them or they would not otherwise receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine.

Adults who completed their primary series of Novavax, Pfizer, or Moderna at least six months ago can receive a Novavax booster if they have not already received a different booster by another manufacturer.


Children aged 6 months–5 years may need multiple doses of COVID-19 vaccine to be up to date, including at least 1 dose of updated vaccine, depending on the number of doses they’ve previously received and their age.

Local Pediatricians Recommend Vaccines for Keiki

Step #2 Locate a vaccination site

Visit your county website or use the CDC Vaccine Finder to locate a pharmacy or retail location in your neighborhood. You may also text your ZIP code to 438829.
elderly woman vaccinated and sharing a shaka

Honolulu resident Joyce is 103 years old, got an updated COVID-19 booster and protection from variants.

Vaccination Tips:

  • Wear short or loose-fitting sleeves that are easy to roll up.
  • Double check to ensure your vaccination location has the correct vaccine for your age. Parental consent is needed for those 17-years-old and younger.
  • If you know a parent/caregiver of someone 6-months-old and older who hasn’t been vaccinated yet, listen to them and explain why you got vaccinated. Consider the vaccine questions and answers to keep the conversation going!
Woman gives thumbs up
AlohaSafe app

AlohaSafe Alert and Exposure Notifications were discontinued on May 11, 2023. Your phone will no longer notify you if you were near someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Your privacy is protected, and no GPS location or personally identifiable information was collected or stored. Questions? Please email us at 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Statista -- Pretends That Drug Resistant Infections Are Going to Become as Large As Cancer Deaths -- Ignoring the Injections

Infographic: Deaths From Drug-Resistant Infections Set To Skyrocket | Statista

 stock here:

Statista is always on the wrong side of the Statistics.   In particular this lady Anna Fleck.    They are all globalist, authoritarian "ism"s.

-------------------------------  Shameful

Deaths From Drug-Resistant Infections Set To Skyrocket

Antimicrobial resistance

Deaths from drug-resistant infections are set to skyrocket by 2050, according to the UN 2023 report ‘Bracing for Superbugs: Strengthening environmental action in the One Health response to antimicrobial resistance.’ Unless drastic action is taken to tackle the problem, it could also lead to a GDP shortfall of $3.4 trillion annually in the next decade and push 24 more people into extreme poverty.

According to recent estimates, in 2019, 1.27 million deaths were directly attributed to drug-resistant infections globally, while 4.95 million deaths were linked with bacterial AMR. That’s now well above the death counts of major killers HIV/AIDS and malaria, which were estimated to have claimed the lives of 860,000 and 640,000, respectively, that year. As the following chart shows, antibiotic-resistant infections could kill as many as 10 million people in just three decades - on par with the 2020 death toll from cancer.

Although the risks of AMR will impact people worldwide, Low-Income Countries (LICs) and Lower-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) are expected to see the highest death tolls. By region, Asia is predicted to see the highest number of AMR-related deaths per 10,000 population in 2050 (4,730,000), followed by Africa (4,150,000), Latin America (392,000), Europe (390,000), North America (317,000) and Oceania (22,000).

According to the report, AMR also exacerbates inequalities within societies and so groups including women, children, migrants, refugees, people employed in sectors such as agriculture or healthcare, as well as those living in poverty will be particularly vulnerable to drug-resistant infections.

These Aren't Just Psy-Ops, They Are Real Ops To Enslave You After You Have Been MK-Ultra Abused

 Submitted by ACD, Chicken Farmer in Mexico

'Twas an easy call for me early on during the COVID-19 Caper, more and more difficult an argument to make as the SARS-CoV-2 scam unfolded and fear of both disease and nonconformity(!) took hold in the heart and mind of people.  Next, at "warp speed", along came the NON-vaccine injections of undisclosed, to-this-day-undocumented CONcoctions of chemical goo.  Then the really, truly kill-or-disable phase began.

Now we pick up the pieces and move on....NO HARM, NO FOUL!  NOTHING TO SEE HERE!  None of the perps arrested, as one would also have predicted early on.  (((They))) still push the injections to pregnant women and already born babies.

As Yeardon notes, getting at least one needle in 6 billion human beings seems not a feat to sneeze at.  Further tests -- the deployment of so-called "mRNA versions" of other kinds of injections -- appear likely.  I predict that the Law of Diminishing Returns will kick in, leading to the promised "mRNA" adulteration of food.

In the meantime, as pharmaceutical mean times meander down meaner thoroughfares looking for bad company, CBDCs and cashlessness dress up in dark alleys awaiting another hot date.  Their recent outing in Nigeria I would not call a failure per se.  We scientists expect to conduct a series of experiments that well may produce poorer than expected results -- "failures" -- as we work by informed trial and error toward a set of conditions and inputs that yield produce the desired effect.  Social-change technocrats know the drill as well.

The transition to CBDC in Nigeria did not go as planned. The elites always seek out African nations to use as their test subjects. Nigeria attempted to slowly roll out the program dubbed eNaria built on the Hyperleger Fabric blockchain. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is solely responsible for running the nodes of this digital currency. Beginning stress tests stated this currency could execute 2,000 transactions per section. In October 2021, the government began offering incentives to citizens who chose to CBN.

A year later, the country was still hesitant to make the switch so the central bank began implementing forceful measures. In October 2022, the CBN decided to cancel and resign the currency in a “move aimed at restoring the control of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) over currency in circulation.” They stated that the original paper notes would only be legal tender until January 31, 2023, leaving the people with no alternative but to convert their cash. Nigerians were no stranger to the concept of currency cancellation as it is something the government has routinely done. The CBN openly announced that the end goal was to target a 100% cashless society replaced with eNaria. Fewer than 0.5% of Nigerians adopted the eNaria and protests erupted across the nation.

By December 2, 2022, the Central Bank of Nigeria issued a letter to all banking institutes implementing a strict ban on physical cash. The central bank set a cash withdrawal limit of ₦100,000 ($225) per week for individuals and ₦500,000 ($1,123) for businesses. Citizens wishing to take out larger sums were subject to a processing fee between 5% and 10%. ATMs were limited to ₦20,000 ($45) per day, and only ₦200 ($0.45) notes or lower denominations were available in the machines.

Bloomberg reported that 90% of the country previously used cash for transactions. They did not want to convert to CBDC but were provided with no alternative. Demonetizing the currency reduced available cash from 3.2 trillion narias to 1 trillion narias. This led to the central bank creating over 10 billion eNarias. The people are continually protesting these measures as their society which was largely dependent on cash interactions has been destabilized.

This is how it all begins. They are using Nigeria and other countries as test subjects before rolling out these programs in the West. It is hard for Americans to fathom currency cancellation, as it has never occurred here. Yet, the Federal Reserve has made it clear that they are looking into this option. Per usual, they market it as a “convenience” for the people. In truth, it is a way to ensure money stays on the grid under the thumb of government. They will not allow one cent to go untaxed, and as the program expands, they can remove individuals and organizations from participating in society entirely.

ACD:  Eventually, I expect the <<<globalists>>> to move on Mexico, too.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Churches Bribed with $13 Billion to Push Covid Death Shot on Pregnant Women

James Thorp: Well, good. I hope it's popping up for the corrupt, the corrupt bastards at the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, who seemed to be, according to the latest data that I have. And it's taken me a long time to get this. I didn't actually do it. But my beautiful bride and attorney, Maggie Thorp, JD, has had a FOIA request into HHS and to CDC and to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. And why I call them bastards is because they're evil people, and I will keep calling them out until they stop threatening and pushing the most lethal drug ever rolled out to the general population and pushing it into pregnant women. Now, what we found on the FOIA, what my beautiful bride Maggie, found in the FOIA is nothing short of bloody jaw-dropping. Um, everything that we thought and we had an inkling was going on two years ago. It's 100 times worse than we thought. And Brennan, they redacted over 50% of the 1400 pages that we got. And what we got is damning. We have a timeline that is undoubtedly irrefutably accurate, and it's anchored in Pfizer 5.3.6. It's anchored in date and time, ten weeks legally mandated. While week rollout was actually ten weeks and it was associated with more deaths. 1223 dead in ten weeks. That's 122.3 dead per week. They knew that on February 28th, 2021, the CDC, the FDA, the HHS, and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology knew it because I knew it. The American College of OBGYN had it. And the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine had it. So I'm a little bit angry at these people. Because at the end of the day, they're still pushing it.



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