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Sunday, February 19, 2023

Scotland: First Female Leader, "ruled" 8 Years and Fundamentally Transformed Scotland, Formerely an Awesome Country, And Now The Rats Jump Ship, Why?

Are they just putting a new face in front of us so we can stop hating the old face and restart the cycles of

fear, outrage, distrust, hate. 

Spoiler alert.  It looks like Scotland is going to install a native Pakistani as prime minister.   I am not shitting you.

Or are they really losing, and some of the rats are jumping ship before they get caught in prosecution. 

She looks kind of like a gender bender, maybe that's one part of why they put her in. 


The first female leader of Scotland said that she had wrestled with the decision to leave, and that it was “not a reaction to short-term pressures.”

“Of course there are difficult issues confronting the government just now, but when is that ever not the case?″ she said.

The announcement caught political observers by surprise amid her staunch support for both independence and legislation that would make it easier for people in Scotland to legally change genders.

And here is a good one on neo politics.....

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