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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Polar Tornado at Sun's North Pole, Coronal Holes, Green Comet, and the Big Turkey Earthquake Killed over 25,000

UPDATE: 2-22-2023 We just had X1.1 Solar Flare primarily Earth directed.    We could see an additional
large Earthquake or a Volcano.....think Mauna Loa.

Amazing that I appear the first person to put these 2 or 3 things together. 

When things happen temporally, one would be insane to not consider a link to themselves or a link to yet another third factor. 

The Vortex Tornado near the north pole of the sun was Feb 3, the big quake was Feb 6. Space weather often has a 2 or 3 days lead time. Notice how many "mainstream" agents picked the story up 6 days after the Tornado....

They don't normally follow that stuff, but many could juice it for fear and doubt. "A piece of sun broke off and formed a crown". Wow! Gases don't "break off", and a Tornado is NOT a crown. 

This here is the "Space Weather Woman".   She does a great job and tries to keep it moving and entertaining without jumping the shark.    Her video is at the far bottom.   Link is here too!

GREEN COMET On my original site (before the 'last straw' the exposure of the
Injections as a deadly experiment), maybe 8 years ago, I correlated 10 MAJOR earthquakes (say 7.5 and up) with the passing of FAST comets.   Usually around 3 days plus or minus of closest approach to Earth.   Comet Honda being one of them.   The size of the comet does not seems to matter much.   A fast speed is essential.    I do believe further research on these lines can lead to a better "Grand Unification Theory" aka GUT

So unless you are living under rock, you surely know that we have a rare "Green Comet" come by after a 48,000 year absence....4 of them there Micro-Nova Cycles.    This GReen bugger is super fast, 4 to 5 times faster than most.    128,500 MPH.    And it's huge, at 1 mile across.

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