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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

How to Make Chloroform -- Spoiler Alert, Simple Ingredients: Household bleach, Acetone, Ice

 I have not tried this or verified the process.   Do due diligence before attempting anything like this. 

---------------------------------- Ruth had this to say in comments

Not sure if anybody would be brave enough to consent to surgery with chloroform as anaesthetic… short acting duration of unconsciousness is “hit & miss” variable. Maybe a tooth pulled or quick medical procedure in a desperate situation… anything more complicated, no. Torso surgery or emergency caesearaen section- No way. A couple of vials of Ketamine might be a better option to stock up on now and is available “on the street”. It is pretty safe as a one off painkiller for acute pain and mental anguish associated with acidents, medical procedures etc because it does not depress breathing. Safer than morphine or other opiates and chloroform. Occasionally people die with chloroform or opiates, but not with ketamine. Paramedics use it for road accidents. But again, it is not good enough deepness of unconsciousness for torso surgery or caesaraen section. Maybe adequate for limb amputation in a dire emergency.


You’ve likely watched many movies where chloroform is used to knock people out in order to kidnap them or disable them for some other reason.

It’s definitely good for that, but subversive maneuvers aren’t what it was originally made for. Originally it was used as an anesthetic to knock people out for surgery.

It sounds like a handy thing to have in your supplies, right? The problem is that you can’t just walk into your local superstore and pick up a gallon of it from the shelf beside the milk. You can, however, make your own.

Chloroform, whether pharmaceutical grade or homemade, is lethal in the wrong hands. Don’t use it without training!

That being said, if you have a medically-trained person in your group, knowing how to make it can come in handy in a variety of ways. You can use it to anesthetize people for surgical procedures or to operate on animals for procedures such as castration. It’s also used in pesticides, disinfectants, dry cleaning solutions, photography development, and refrigerators.

This is the Best Natural Painkiller, and Grows in Your Backyard!

So, how can you make chloroform at home? Actually, it’s not that difficult – it involves two common household items – but it is a bit dangerous for both the patient and anybody within several feet of it.

There are actually a few different ways to make it, but keep in mind that this can very well kill the patient you are trying to save. Yes, I’ve already said that, but it bears repeating. Now, on to it.

Gather Your Ingredients

You know all those warnings you’ve heard about mixing your cleaning products? Well, there’s a good reason for them. When combined, certain chemicals such as bleach create toxic fumes such as chloroform (yes, I said TOXIC), hydrochloric acid, chloroacetone, and other things you really don’t want to breathe.

Since we’re actually trying to make one of those chemicals, let’s proceed with it. Household bleach is your first ingredient. It needs to be at least 6 percent without any added ingredients. If you use a higher concentration, you’re going to need more ice, which I’ll explain in a second.

Imagini pentru chloroform

The second ingredient is used by most women for cosmetic purposes and by many men (and women) to shine their rides with an awesome paint job. Acetone, also known as fingernail polish remover or paint reducer. Be careful to read labels though, because these products aren’t always pure acetone or even acetone at all. You can buy acetone in the cosmetics section of your local superstore and you can also buy it at most paint stores where it will probably be labeled simply as acetone.

The final ingredient is one that’s really tricky. You’ll actually have to walk all your way to the freezer for it. It’s ice!

So to recap, the ingredients you will need are: household bleach, acetone, ice.

Gather Your Equipment

  • You’re going to need a large glass container. HDPE buckets will work because the reagents won’t attack it, but you won’t be able to see the chloroform forming as well.
  • A separation funnel will be needed to separate the chloroform from the other ingredients. You can do it with other tools such as an eyedropper, but that’s a long row to hoe. You can get a separation funnel online for about $25.
  • A gas mask is highly recommended because of the risk of inhaling the fumes. You should make the chloroform in a well-ventilated area even if you’re using the mask. The vapors alone can make you nauseated, give you a headache or even make you pass out.
  • A stir stick will be necessary. Glass is, of course, the best tool for this job.

Make the Chloroform

I feel the need to warn you again to be careful. This isn’t something you should use as a family science experiment. If you’re ready to move ahead, gather your ingredients and equipment together in a well-ventilated area.

It’s best to start with the bleach and acetone chilled even if you’re using ice because the reaction will cause the mixture to heat up by at least 85 degrees. The higher concentrate bleach you use, the hotter it gets. The ratio for making chloroform needs to be 1 part acetone to 50 parts bleach. That’s 1 teaspoon of acetone per cup of bleach.

  • Place the bleach in the container, then add several ice cubes. Add the acetone and stir the mixture, or swirl it around if you’re using a vessel that allows you to do that without sloshing it out. If you’re using a high concentrate of bleach, i.e. 12 percent, add more ice.
  • Leave the mixture alone for 30 minutes to an hour so that the chemical reaction can develop and the mixture can cool. First, you’ll notice a white cloud of vapor coming from the solution and the solution itself will become cloudy. You don’t want to breathe this! You’ll also be able to see a white residue, powder, or bubble forming on the bottom. That’s the chloroform.
  • After the hour is up and the mixture is cool, gently pour most of the liquid off the top. Be careful to leave the chloroform on the bottom.
  • Once you’ve gotten most of the liquid out, transfer the rest to your separation funnel. Let it settle, then drain the chloroform out, leaving behind the water.

You’ll yield around 50-70 percent of your starting material volume in chloroform.

At this point, the chloroform is created but if you’re going to use it on people, or animals for that matter, it needs to be distilled in order to purify it. Obviously, you’ll need a distiller for that.

Other Ingredients to Combine

If you have a copper still (and who doesn’t?) laying around, this is the way to distill your chloroform into liquid. You can use the ingredients listed above or you can use 4 parts of bleaching powder (32.5-34.5 percent), 3 parts 96% alcohol, and 13 parts water.

The actual distillation process for this is lengthy and requires several different steps. It’s not particularly viable for the average person, but I wanted to make you aware of it.

Because chloroform, either pharmaceutical grade or homemade, is thought to be carcinogenic, is dangerous to use and make, and doesn’t have much shelf life, it may not be your best option for use in a survival situation. Topical analgesics or oral pain meds may be the better option. Shoot, even doing it as they did in the Wild West is a better option – take a shot of liquor until you feel no pain.

Seriously, chloroform is nothing to fool around with. If you want to make it at home, now you know how but do so with care. Your life, or the life of the person you administer it to, will depend upon it.

Being skilled is the only asset that you can really count on if things are going South. Be prepared and train your medical skills to face disaster!

Got Woke, Pretty Swimmer Ends Up Murdered

stock here: this is all so predictable. 

 I remember those northern European Girls hiking in Africa and on video as their necks are sawed off by the "nice young men" they just met.    One of the girls crying "Mum" as her life was ending!

 I'll let the reader fill in the blanks. High testosterone is not a benefit is all circumstances.

The photo right below is an odd one to feature in the main story by Fox, must be from a SM account, I assume those are all scrubbed now.   

The smaller the islands, the more corrupt and inept they are. 

She looked fairly pretty, but per people that knew her, she insisted on making bad choices.

The story stinks.....boyfriend went home "to check on her", but they were living together.   So that doesn't make sense.    Boyfriend came home before midnight, and "they" took her dead body to the hospital at 2:40AM.    Nothing suspicious there!!

Another story with comments

And here are a few stories about the original murder "the boyfriend" did in 2007, killing a tourist after a bar fight.




Monday, February 27, 2023

Steve Kirsch Interviews Brave Doctor Who Saved 250 Nurses from VXX Injury

stock here, check it out and drop a comment. Google "Natto"

Remember Nicholas Sandman, and Let's Review the 4 Steps to Tyrannny

stock here: drop a comment if you dare employ the Google Blogger comment system


Nicholas Sandman, remember him, the nice Christian boy that was vilified for "mocking" and insulting a "native America" who was basically a paid Marxist trying to stir up trouble. 

That was 2019, almost 4 years ago. The wheels have been in motion strongly since then. 

In the book Purposeful Deception, they describe 4 basic steps to Marxism

Stage 1: Demoralization ( Humiliation --think spy balloons, Learned Helplessness)

Stage 2:: Destabilization (self evident, only about 2 to 5 years are needed)

Stage 3: Crisis (the longer the better, but 6 weeks may be enough, especially if you upset the food or water supply.   They are unlikely to take down many power grids, because they need that for the propaganda)

Stage 4: Normalization: To make the new absurdities appear to be normal.    Trap children into playing stupid games at school, to emphasize "the new normal".


Friday, February 24, 2023

Nikola Tesla -- An Important Inventor of our Era

 stock here

I'll head back to the mainland and study the Tesla Lightning Protection system.

Clearly, as we get more magnetic pole shift, we will get more lightning, so the next few decades can be very interesting.

Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) And Her Role Back To Hillary Days in Attacking Russia and Willing to Wreck Ukraine to Do It.

 from threadreaderapp

1/10 Let’s talk about @UnderSecStateP Viktoria Nuland and her role in US policy of #warmongering Because it’s look like she is just on her way under the bus! 
2/10 Toria Nuland father real name was Nudelman, her father parents was born in Moldova and Belarus, this is how everything what happens in #Ukraine and retaliation on #Russia it is personal vendetta for Toria 
3/10 It all began at Brown, when Nuland developed an interest in Russia. She had read and loved Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and wondered how a culture could both have produced writers like those and also developed the brutal Communist system under which Russians were living. Image
4/10 Nuland—friends call her Toria—has spent her entire career as a foreign service officer. She has served in embassies in Moscow, Mongolia, and China. But her passion she find in serving to interest of “Endless War” Here is a Dick Cheney swearing Toria to serve in State…… Image
6/10 Next time we can trace Nuland in 1999 during Yugoslavia bombing campaign of Bill Clinton. She was serving in Talbot team - who was leading US negotiations with Slobodan Milocevic (More in John Norris book) PS. Pay attention to title of that book! Image
7/10 Next big thing in Toria life as a warmonger was engineering of #IraqWar together with her husband, Robert Kagan - prominent neocon, and on that time Toria and MIC strike a deal - Producing tensions-Starting War-Profiting from Weapons sales -
9/10 We was covering Toria activities in #Ukraine in our film Ukraine on Fire You need to watch that movie to understand her leading role in that coup, film is available on #amazonprime and everywhere else
10/10 Nuland was also very much related to attempts to ignite a color revolution in #Russia in 2012, but failed - her assets in #Moscow was @navalny, Bill Browder, ambassador McFaul and she was reported directly to #HillaryClinton Image
11/10 I want to keep that thread open and invite everyone to add to our knowledge on subject
After the Brown she was also in National War College - institution for grooming of State Department and DOD leaders
12/10 Connection of Victoria Nuland and other prominent Neocon - Senator McCain play well not only in staging Coup in #Ukraine, but also seeding seeds of #RussiaHoax at home. We was telling that story in Revealing Ukraine documentary
I see that this thread 🧵 is going to be epic!
And this is latest from @UnderSecStateP her self, now you will read that speech with very different perspectives. As an American journalist I believe that we need to educate our audience, enlighten audience, and let’s audience to decide!…
Let’s add some video to that good thread 🧵 Victoria Nuland bragged about US investment in “Democracy” and “easing other goals” (coup?) in #Ukraine
On her way to #Maidan in #Kiev in 2013 to deliver some “cookies” with Jeff Payat, her lieutenant and protégés (he was serving Deep State well before on position in IAEA trying hard to present Iranian atomic program in the bad light) Image
And more “cookies” stunt during Maidan coup in Kiev 2013-2014 ImageImageImageImage
And more video of grilling
13/10 This is how exactly Viktoria Nuland acting in favor of @HillaryClinton was inserting Chris Steele dossier on Donald Trump into the @StateDept Excerpt from our documentary "Revealing Ukraine" @stranahan great analysis
14/10 Bio-Labs After Maidan coup (2014) #Ukraine was a testing site not only of political technology of mass brainwashing, but as well a gathering of pathogen's for creating a new kinds of biological warfare. Russia seized a lot of evidences and #ViktoriaNuland was worried
15/10 Nordstream 2 pipeline destroying - This is hard to hold when you see how cynical #ViktoriaNuland when she is bragging about act of international state terror act - blowing Nordstream 2 pipeline
Great story by Seymour Hersh under that link+video…

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Brandon and Zelensky, the Traitor and the Clown -- Discussing Terms of Their Blackmail

Brandon and Zelensky, the Traitor and the Clown Meme this

Putin 2 hour Speech To Russians: Analysis By Screen Caps Of The Crowd

stock here: I watched the whole thing and took some notes.   Early on Putin pointed out how it was Russia's job to protect the children, and that the West had "normalized" pedophilia and was forcing gender confusion down kids throats.

So have at it, I am bulk posting all my screen grabs, please watch the whole thing, or skim through it.   And drop some comments. 


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