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Monday, January 23, 2023

Whitney Webb the Corruption of Politics, and the Politics of Corruption, and Marxism Disguised as "Woke Morality"


Yes, Whitney Webb has been getting quite a bit of exposure lately.    She wrote 1000 pages on Maxwell(s) and Epstein, all part of the “blackmail them all” program that is a big part of where we got to now.


“They” do not even attempt to hide the fact that they are abusing us, it is actually part of the program which is broad but uses two main psychological principles:

  1. Stockholm Syndrome
  2. Learned Helplessness




They just ran another “Davos” last week, when the prior one was almost June of 2022 (May 26), so the short span from the prior annual event must mean there are important events going on.    3400 of the “Global Elite” go this meeting, their speeches are widely available, and notably cringeworthy when you understand the real intentions behind the “nice sounding, equitable” ideas.    Every bit of evil masquerades as some nice sounding social justice bullshit.

Jordon Peterson is a brilliant mind pushed to the fore front in usual manner, his psychology license is currently under attack by his fellow psychologists, who literally want to put him in a “re-education camp” and shut him up on social media.   He is worth spending some time.



Stay frosty!

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