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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Nomi Prins Explains The Game Changing EV Transition

 stock here.   This is from one of those long drawn out, suspenseful, annoying "reports"

You can skim the transcript.


— Presented by Rogue Economics

America’s Leading Financial Investigator Warns

“Fill Your Gas Tank…
While You Still Can.”

America’s New Energy Crisis is Unfolding…

Pension Funds… IRAs… ETFs… Stocks… ALL Undergoing Massive Disruption.

Take these steps to ensure you financially survive the months ahead.

Hi. My name is Nomi Prins.

As you can see, I’m standing here…

Outside a gas station…

But something strange is happening at the pump, and I’m not talking about the prices… 

In my travels, I’ve discovered it’s spreading across the country…

Soon it will likely even affect the pumps in your own neighborhood…

But that’s exactly what I’d like to prepare you for.

Because it will change not only the way we commute to work… and fill up our cars.

It will have massive ripple effects… throughout the entire economy.

How food is delivered to our supermarkets… how packages arrive at our doorstep… how millions of people get to work… how first-responders like police and firemen do their jobs.

The Wall Street Journal put it bluntly: “Gas stations face a tough, costly choice…”

I’ve discovered it’s a choice they know they have to make.

It’s about “overtake pumps in the profitability race.” - a fact I’ve confirmed through Reuters.

It’s either switch out and install the newer, more efficient pumps that you’ll see in this exclusive briefing…


Lose money out of sheer stubbornness.

What may surprise you, as it did me, is the profit potential of what’s replacing America’s old pumps…

Business Insider called it “white-hot…”

With dozens of companies – new and old – competing to dominate this space.

If you’re an investor or concerned about the economy…

Or if you simply depend on your vehicle for your business or just for getting around…

It’s important to know what’s going on… and prepare yourself for this shift.

I cannot stress that enough – preparation is everything in this new economy.

The choices you make, especially with your money, could decide which side of this story you end up on.

Everything from pension funds… to IRAs… ETFs… and even so-called “safe” stocks will be impacted by this massive shift…

The aftershock will likely shake the energy market to its core… is what Stanford Economists are predicting.

I’ll show you how what is behind me will soon be in your neighborhood… at your fingertips… and could lead to huge profits…

If history and the stock market are any indicator, I’m predicting you can double and potentially triple your money over just the next 12 months.

Over the long haul, maybe 10x your money… but only if you prepare now.

And all because…

A new kind of energy crisis is developing… one that has nothing to do with what you’re hearing on the mainstream news.

So why don’t you follow me and I’ll show you…

Who Am I… And How Do I Know This?

For over 15 years I worked at the highest levels of Wall Street. I was a managing director for banks like Goldman Sachs… working alongside future Treasury secretaries like Hank Paulson and Steve Mnuchin… I also worked for Chase, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns.

My former colleagues

But what opened my eyes… was when they told us to “get back to your desks… and keep trading” when planes hit the twin towers.

That was when I realized how heartless the whole system is. Focused on only one thing:


So, I cashed out my career and I went rogue. And I decided to show people just how dark this world really is…

Today, I make my living as one of the most feared financial reporters on both Wall Street and Washington…

One of the first books I ever wrote, Other People’s Money, exposed the highest levels of corruption coming out of the dot-com collapse and mega-scandals like Enron… while also predicting the next collapse, the 2008 crisis.

I can’t be sure if you’ve read it.. but one thing I’m certain of: You remember 2008 and you remember what it likely did to your hard-earned money and portfolio…

Imagine if you had a guide telling you it was coming.

Well that’s what I’m hoping to do for you today. To alert you to the seismic shift that’s coming to the energy markets. To tell you what’s about to happen at the pump nationwide…

Because the government isn’t going to help you.

I know because after I wrote All the Presidents Bankers’… I spoke with many legislators and lawmakers in DC.

I was even asked to speak to an important annual conference at the Federal Reserve, which also included an address by then Chair, Janet Yellen.

I told them the truth, that their fabricated money helped Wall Street, not Main Street.

The result? I was never asked to address the Fed again.

I tell you these things not to brag.

But because I like to think that in a world of fake news… I have the guts to tell the real story.

I know my reporting, like this one, has helped protect a lot of people’s money… when they listened to my words carefully…

I predicted:

Gold's rise

Green energy boom


COVID crash


  • I told folks in 2017… when gold was $1,100… it was going to spike… today it’s closer to $2,000!
  • In 2018, I called the green energy boom…
  • In 2019, I accurately predicted record-level stock buybacks…
  • In 2020, I warned of the Covid crash… a full 44 days before the chaos hit the US markets.
  • And in 2021, I went on national TV to identify the dangers of inflation… when the Fed was still pretending it didn’t exist.

The reason I’m coming to you today is a little different…

I believe what’s about to happen across America… and at the gas pump… is no mere prediction – it’s a 100% certain.

A new energy crisis is unfolding. You’re seeing it in action…

Prices at the pump have soared beyond $5… per gallon… and in some places like LA where I live… there was place that charged as much as $8 per gallon!


Politicians want you to believe it’s ALL because of Russia…

Well as you’ll see, all of these fear-mongering headlines are a distraction from what’s really happening

Because as we speak…

Companies like Chevron, BP and Shell are planning the absolute unthinkable…

Right as the world needs more oil…

They plan on downsizing the oil and gas parts of their business.

Even the workers are quitting...

It’s crazy… even in the face of booming oil prices… These oil companies are cutting workers and downsizing their operations.

It just doesn’t make sense unless you know the real story. ABC News reported President Biden is conditioning Americans to accept the higher prices at the pump… when he said, “I will not pretend that this will be painless.”

He added that “prices will rise… because freedom has its costs.”

But how much higher can they get?

Prices at the pump are the highest in history.

And that’s why more and more gas stations are going to have to switch over to the new pumps… like the station I was reporting at a moment ago.

Or risk losing money.

It’s a new type of energy crisis, one we’ve never faced before…

A new type of energy crisis in America…

Most people think we’re set for a return to the 1970s… and the last oil crisis, which saw long lines at the pumps…

Or more recently when we saw shortages during the coronavirus…

But this new crisis is far easier to explain and even easier to see for yourself…

It’s the unbearable pain at the pump.

Filling up has gone from $70… to $90… to maybe even $120 for folks with larger vehicles… a friend of mine even paid $140 recently to fill up.

Soon millions of Americans will be spending $400 to $500 a month in gasoline… as they struggle to keep up with the rising cost of everything else.

The American Automobile Association says you’ll be spending at least $3,000 MORE on fuel costs… and that’s also going to affect food prices as you can imagine.

This is EXACTLY why these new, more efficient pumps are going to become more popular.

Now if you’re skeptical… like I am… you’re probably wondering:

With all the oil fields here at home in America… How did we let this happen to us?

The answer is: there just isn’t enough of it to go around for the whole world.

That’s why the International Energy Agency tapped the emergency oil reserves of 60 million barrels… trying to alleviate the situation.

60 million barrels.

To put that into perspective for you… that’s 2.5 billion gallons.

That would fill over 3,818 Olympic swimming pools.

108 miles long…

Oil as far as your eye can see.

That’s a really big number, but believe it or not, it will barely have an impact. It will NOT be enough to save America’s old, legacy gas stations.

According to a study from my former employer, Goldman Sachs:

“We do not view this as sufficient relief, representing an only 1-month offset to a potential disruption to one-third of Russia's 6 million barrels a day….”

The Wall Street Journal reported demand is outstripping supply… with little promise of relief ahead.

Some are predicting diesel stations will actually run dry…

But what’s most damning of all…

America’s energy shortages are being made worse by the oil companies themselves!

Oil Giants Are Only Making It Worse…
By Abandoning Their Business

And again, the reason is quite simple:

They’re abandoning oil and gas projects left and right.

And they’re getting into the business of these new pumps as I’m going to show you… in just a moment.

BP is leading that charge… They recently told the New York Times its oil and gas assets were worth less… and that they are pulling out of the oil and gas business in the next few years….

That’s 40% of the company… gone.

They recently abandoned a $25 billion piece of property with oil rights!

Exxon is considering following suit… as The Wall Street Journal reported… abandoning projects in excess of $5 billion in North Dakota.

Shell’s CEO told Bloomberg they’re pushing ahead with this radical transition… despite higher oil prices.

How does that make any sense?

Oil is surging in price… and the CEOs couldn’t be more bearish on their own industry.

Meanwhile… politicians are watching from the sidelines… horrified that they’ll have to answer for higher prices at the pump.

All of this… has essentially forced Washington’s hand. It’s why they’re now mandating these new pumps across America.

And this is perhaps the most important thing you need to know:

Congress has now signed into effect a new law…

A single move that could wean the US off oil and foreign energy… overnight.

And it’s the reason you’re going to start seeing a LOT more of those stations like the one I was just reporting from…

The Inevitable Has Now Been Signed Into Law

I’ve spent a lot of time speaking with my contacts in Washington…

But I never expected what I ultimately found out.

Through my connections, I uncovered a trail of $550 billion tucked away in a federal document.

Half a trillion dollars… specifically earmarked for America’s new energy crisis.

The official name of the document is HR 3684.

A boring government title… probably by design… to keep people from panicking.

Once I had my hands on this official document… and went over all 1,039 pages to see it for myself…

I saw more money going into one sector of the market than I’d ever seen.

The White House even admitted it… saying it’s “A once in a generation investment.”

And my recent meetings at the Capital have revealed this is only the beginning… They have another plan in place to inject even more money with yet another new bill.

It’s the farthest-reaching infrastructure project I’ve ever seen.

Over the next 8 years… with a half-a-trillion at their disposal…

They’ll be bagging up gas stations, all over the country… switching them over to more efficient ones.

The official document from Congress is targeting 500,000 stations.

To put that number into perspective…

We will see more radical changes in the next 8 years… than in the previous 114 years of traditional gas stations!

If you’ve heard the expression before… there are decades where nothing happens… and weeks where decades happen.

This is that moment as an investor. Entire decades are about to unfold over the next few weeks and months.

Even when this sector was in its earliest phases, before this nationwide rollout went into effect… it already generated incredible gains.

Companies like Allego, going straight up from its IPO, doubling in value.

Beam Global made investors 1,035% returns, shooting up from $6.50 a share and topping $73 a share…

And here’s a company that jumped more than 3,000%... handing investors 33 times their money…. Going from just $1.54 per share… to a peak of $53 and change!

These are, of course, some of the best market examples.

But I have a similar, growing company I’d like to tell you about… that’s specializing in these new fueling stations…

Currently, its stock sells for less than $20.

But I believe it could easily double and then triple its current share price within the next 12 months.

I’ve seen other Wall Street analysts calling for a price that’s more than double its current price. Yet I’ve never met an investor that knows this company by name.

I want to change that.

Because over the long haul? I think it can go up to 10 times its current price.

If I had to pick one sector… one stock to bet on… even in this turbulent economy, it’d be this one…

Because energy transitions are often some of the most profitable times in America…

Entire generational wealth can be created…

The problem is most people don’t see it.

History is About to Repeat…

And the reason they can’t see it… is because they’ve never lived through one of these shifts in history.

Nobody alive today has.

So, I’ll let you in on a secret bit of history that 99% of people don’t know…

Until the 1850s, the main source of energy in the world… was, wait for it… whale oil.

Imagine, fisherman leaving in the morning and whether or not they returned with a whale carcass… determined if they could turn their lamps on… power their oven… read before bedtime… or see where they’re going when they walk down the road at night…

It’s hard to imagine… but whale oil actually controlled everything from the spread of news and information… to the speed of commerce… to businesses keeping the lights on… even the readiness of the US military.

Just about every industry in the world… depended on whale oil!

But as technology advanced… early innovators and geologists realized some rocks literally oozed oil when dug out of the ground. They’d found a newer, far easier source of energy!

But in the beginning phases… they didn’t drill for oil.

They dug!

And the first man who ever thought to drill was laughed at and ridiculed.

I’m not kidding! Business Insider ran a great piece on him called: The Sad History of the First Oil Driller

It took 6 years of drilling in a little tiny town called Titusville, Pennsylvania… with thousands of dollars spent and nothing to show for it… before Edwin Drake finally struck oil in 1859.

Drake, a man now completely forgotten to history until today… struck oil the very same day he received a letter from his main investor… telling him to pack it up and give up!

Fortunately, he got the letter at the end of the day... after striking the oil !

The year after Drake’s discovery there were over 75 wells in Pennsylvania alone…

Meaning naysayers were proven wrong in just 12 short months.

Now the reason I tell you this quick story is because I really believe the same thing is playing out today…

We’re Witnessing the Birth of a New
Form of Energy… After 160 Years…
A New Fuel is Set to Take Over!

Firms all over the world, from the automakers to the oil companies, are making the switch from an inferior energy source, to a better one.

And what’s coming out of these new pumps is not ethanol.

It’s not hydrogen… liquid natural gas… it’s completely different than that.

The only problem is… most people don’t see it.

Probably because the last time this happened in America… was over 160 years ago…

But that’s precisely what gives you such a huge edge right now. Now you can see what others can’t…

The growth and production ahead… in this new market… is similar to oil… just before society switched over to it.

And if you hear nothing else today…

I cannot emphasize this enough:

The investors who recognize a total shift in the energy markets… can make entire lifetimes of wealth.

And again, history proves it…

This is How You Create Generational Wealth… For Your Entire Family Tree

Because while you may not know Edwin Drake… Chances are pretty strong, you’ve heard the name John D. Rockefeller.

This man was running grocery stores… before he ever heard of something called “petroleum.”

But within 3 years of Drake’s discovery, Rockefeller started his first refinery… one that would cost him $72,500… or $1 million in today’s money.

It’s estimated that Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, had it not been broken up into 34 different companies in the early 1900s, would be worth more than $1 trillion today… making it one of the world’s most valuable companies.

And many of the oil stocks we know today… came from Rockefeller’s famous company.

BP is a perfect example… over the long haul… this stock showed peak gains up to 8,500%!

Turning every $100 invested into over $8,500. Every $1,000 into $85,000…

Now that’s a decades-long return, sure… but that’s the kind of money that lasts lifetimes.

And this energy shift America is undergoing… I believe it will create the same kind of lifetimes of wealth.

Unfortunately… just like before in history… there will be skeptical people and they’ll doubt what I’m about to show you.

Just like they laughed at the earliest oil investors… saying things like:

“Oil coming out of the ground, pumping oil out of the earth like you pump water? Nonsense! You’re crazy.”

Mock these new energy trends all you want.

But the early investors became some of the richest people in history. All because they accepted the inevitable: that when a superior source of energy comes along… you absolutely MUST invest.

But if you still think you’re the smartest person in the room… and society will never upgrade from oil… just consider this:

Even the people who made their money in oil and gas are switching over their investment portfolios and backing these new pumps…

The Rockefellers of the 2020s are Investing!

For instance…

The Rockefeller Foundation…

A 107-year-old philanthropic fund… built by Rockefeller himself… said it will break from the industry that made it rich.

The Koch brothers… I’m sure you’ve heard of them.

80 years ago, their family got rich in the oil business.

Now they see the next generational investment… America’s new fueling stations…

They realize millions of cars are going to be filling up this way soon.

So, in response they’ve put down $750 million as The Wall Street Journal uncovered.

They reported “Koch Industries is now the most diversified US…Investor” with more than 10 different investments in this sector.

This is one of the richest families to ever walk the planet.

And I’m sure the Koch’s realize investing in America’s new fueling stations will ensure their name and wealth lives on and on....

Now… I want to be clear…

They’re not flipping a switch on 500,000 stations overnight.

But the richest investors are preparing now.

The oil and gas tycoons are preparing now.

Forbes confirmed it, saying “Even the world’s oil giants are getting ahead of the curve…”

The people running these companies aren’t stupid. They know with half a trillion dollars in federal funding….

It’s 100% inevitable. 100% guaranteed. 100% backed by the government.

After I went over Washington’s paper trail…

I believe I know the next company set to rise during this energy transition.

This company has already snagged 9 government contracts and counting… That’s right.

And it’s one of the only companies awarded a Blanket Purchase Agreement with the government… meaning they’ll be selling a LOT of these stations in bulk orders to Uncle Sam.

It’s a company Rockefeller himself would likely want to own.


According to the New Law… 50% of All Vehicles…
500,000 New Stations MUST Run on this

But before I tell you about that stock… I think it’s time I showed you what’s happening to America’s gas stations… So, let’s go back to that station we first met at…

What you’re about to see… completely upends the past 100 years of traditional gas stations…

Half a million pumps… 10,000 per state averaging it all out.

And it’s not just regular folks using these fill up stations… Soon Major brands are going to be filling up their fleets this way…

These are the companies that haul our trash… come fix the power lines when they get knocked down… the companies who deliver products to our doorsteps… the companies that stock the shelves at the supermarket… the lifeblood of our economy….

So, if you’re ready… if you can accept those facts… let me show you this new pump…

It actually doesn’t look much different, right?

Same cord, same handle…

But where does the fuel come out you might be wondering?

That’s what’s so incredible…

It takes as little as 3 minutes… for a quick top off.

And less than 15 for a complete fill up.

Watch as this vehicle is going to fill up directly from our existing energy grid.

Current Time 0:13

No gas tank needed.

No fumes.

No noise.

No pollution.

All 100% direct from the powerlines you pass by every single day…

What do I mean?

I’m talking, of course, about electric vehicle charging stations…

This is Where the Future is Heading Next

Now I know I’ve brought up a controversial subject with EVs… Please do not click out… Bear with me.

I want to make one thing clear: you don’t have to like EVs to profit from them.

You don’t have to buy an EV to potentially double or triple your money on the stock I’m going to show you…

I don’t care what you drive… All I want is to help you profit from this.

Do NOT make the mistake of thinking this is a fad.

EVs are the reason companies like Shell, BP and Exxon are downsizing major parts of their oil business and focusing more on charging stations.

Even in the face of oil soaring to new highs, these oil companies aren’t just moving on... they’re doubling down.

Royal Dutch Shell recently acquired an EV charging station so they can begin transitioning their North America locations…

It seems almost counter-intuitive, at least to main-street investors.

Higher oil prices… but less gas pumps?

That’s because charging stations are about to outperform oil sales, according to BP.

There’s more growth to it… and that means more money in it for their businesses.

By 2030, it’s been federally mandated that 50% of all vehicles will be electric.

By 2035, the government will never purchase a gas vehicle… ever again, which Reuters confirmed.

And the auto-executives are fully on board with this too.

And with carmakers falling in lockstep with the new laws… the oil and gas companies have no choice.

But it’s a choice they have to make… if they want all of that money!

With half a trillion of Congressional money on a silver platter… and over 500,000 charging stations going up throughout the country… the oil companies see this as a huge opportunity... an almost guaranteed opportunity to expand their business.

There will be more new stations in the next 8 years… than in the previous 100 years of traditional gas pumps.

It’s a massive source of recurring value.

BP has already publicly stated its chargers will be more profitable than gas pumps.

Think about it… no need to transport hazardous fuels or hire truck drivers to move it… there’s no risk of spills or accidents… no need to fill underground tanks under our soil with harmful gas…

These oil and gas companies are already making the transition…

Now… one objection I hear a lot is… Well Nomi, you’re living in some liberal city… of course they’re going electric…

And a few years ago, you’d be right… but look at how much the infrastructure has already developed around the country:

And just think 500,000 more stations are in the works.

And it only takes a few minutes to fill up.

People think it still takes hours to fill up an EV… but it doesn’t… they’re just dead wrong.

I’ve traveled all over the country the past few months and I’ve seen people using these fast-charging stations at local parks…

Restaurants… Grocery Stores…

Local banks…

Soon, Americans will charge their cars at stations while relaxing under the trees at the park with their family… or “fill-up” at their favorite restaurant… or while running errands at the bank.

Soon you’ll even be able to charge up at places like McDonalds…

In fact, the stock I’ve been waiting to tell you about…

Has partnered up with one of the busiest franchises in the world… Starbucks.

Not only do customers get to charge their car while they hang out at Starbucks, drinking lattes… the benefits become too good to pass up…

With EVs…They’ll pay as little as 3 cents per mile!

I’ve done the math on this, because I love math…

And that’s the difference between paying $420 to charge up and drive for an entire year and 14,000 miles.

Versus a gas vehicle… paying $4.85 a gallon… and coming in at a whopping $2,829…

You tell me who is going to pay $2,400 more… to cover the exact same amount of road???

Look, I LOVE old classic cars… Please don’t get upset if you’re a car enthusiast watching this.

But the truth is… a day is coming when Camaros and Corvettes will not run on gas anymore.

And I’m certainly not saying they’re better.

I love driving my old gas guzzling Cadillac… and I’m never getting rid of it… no matter how many new laws they come up with!

All I’m saying is… as an investor… Why not look at this the same way Rockefeller would have? Why not look at this the same way the world’s richest investors are looking at it?

I’ve found a stock that could easily double or triple in the next 12 months…

Wouldn’t you want to know about it?

What if I’m right over the long haul… and it goes up 10x in value?

Think about the money you could make… without ever getting behind the wheel of an EV if you don’t want to… the stocks supplying this industry have been huge for investors.

Proterra, showing peak gains of 159% in just a month and a half…

MP Materials… up 448%

Lucid Group showing peak gains of 435%... in just 3 months.

I told you how Beam Global shot up from $6 a share to $73…in less than a year’s time.

And the other company, Blink, handed investors 30x their money… in 10 months' time.

Even though these are some of the most exceptional gains in this corner of the market… I hope you’re starting to see the potential of what you’ve stumbled upon today!

Especially when the stock I’ve found is less than $20 right now…. You can get shares for less than a tank of gas!

This Is the #1 EV Charging Stock I Recommend Buying

And this charging station company is doing everything right…

For starters, the company just partnered up with Toyota.

That’s in addition to its partnership with Volvo.

Two of the biggest car companies in the world, selling over 2 and half-million vehicles. And this is the company they want charging those vehicles.

I told you they have a handful of government contracts… they’re supplying the fleets of Ohio, New York, Rhode Island… with locations in Texas, California, and Washington as well.

But the reason I picked this company is because it’s pioneering a whole new type of charging station… where you fill up your car while you’re inside doing your shopping.

I mentioned how the company just inked a deal with Starbucks. I know you’ve seen people sitting at these types of places all day long.

They’re installing stations every 100 miles… stretching all the way from Denver to Seattle.

That’s a LOT of Starbucks!

Imagine… a customer goes inside, gets a latte and when they come out, their car has charged up.

And it’s not just some stretch of road out West… look how much this company is expanding… they have customers everywhere… from the US, to Europe…

It's what’s called a “commerce-centric” charging company.

Meaning they want to be the go-to company that other businesses partner with… and have charging stations in their parking lots, just like with Starbucks.

Customers keep coming back to stores like these… because they can charge their car while shopping, getting two things done at once.

And who doesn’t want to do that?

The company revealed they charge twice the cars… while dramatically reducing the cost

Charging revenue was up more than 100% for the most recent quarter.

Total revenue is expected to top $500 million in 2023.

The company recently raised its guidance, Wall Street’s favorite growth metric.

And if you look at the management of the company…this is what’s really cool:

Almost 40% of the company is owned by its insiders. A great sign that they not only believe in their stock but value it enough to keep holding onto it.

At less than just $20 a share and its current market cap … just 1% of the $550 billion flowing into this sector would double the size of the company instantly.

Imagine if 2% of that money hits their books…

Or 3%.

It’s no stretch. Especially as they expand globally…

The EV market in Europe is on track to be worth $143 billion here in a few short years.

And while we have an order for 500,000 new stations here in the States…

This company plans to build 2.5 MILLION stations worldwide by 2025. This company wants to dominate the world in terms of EV Charging stations.

This is a huge opportunity for growth, with the comfort of knowing this company is absolutely going to get a piece of that half a trillion dollars…

At its current price, it’s a no-brainer this company will go up in the years ahead as they expand across the world and join forces with even more household brands.

It's probably why Wall Street analysts are putting price targets at $46 for this company… more than double its current price!

And just think, the next time you go to a Starbucks or pass one by… you might just see their products in action! As an investor, you’ll get paid every time a latte-drinker plugs in!

I think this is one stock every investor truly needs to know about… especially in this market.

So many stocks are in an almost bubble-like state… not growing, not innovating, just benefitting from the Federal Reserve’s low interest rates.

I call it the “Great Distortion” – because it’s distorting the value of almost everything, from homes to cars, and DEFINITELY stocks.

But that’s why I love this stock. It actually has real growth behind it.

And it’s not just expanding, it’s taking off and going global with a product that businesses actually WANT.

Starbucks didn’t take over the coffee world by accident… Toyota didn’t become one of the best-selling car brands in the world by accident…

And they didn’t pick this particular EV charging company by accident either.

I won’t be surprised when other companies come knocking… and want the same thing… more charging stations, to attract more customers!

I have everything typed up in an electronic report that I’d like to send to you right now.

Because I think by this point.. you realize the scale of this opportunity.

My report’s called The #1 Stock for America’s Great Distortion: 10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting a Critical American Industry.


I hope you act quickly on it… especially while this stock is less than $20.

I’ll do my part… And have it to you in a matter of minutes.

All you have to do is say yes.

Say yes to this incredible opportunity.

And say yes to trying out more of my research, at absolutely no risk to you.

In fact, there should be a button that just popped up below this video.

All you need to do is click it to get started and I’ll show you how to get the report immediately.

But that isn’t all I’d like to give you today.

I’ve uncovered another new development, one that I think could also make you a lot of money as this market expands…

In fact, you won’t believe what’s going to happen in a few years to these EV charging companies…

I’ll Give You a Small Glimpse of What’s Coming Next…

Watch closely.

It’s a wireless technology you’re probably already familiar with… watch this car drive over this pad… without a cord or cable… that car’s actually charging!

It’s 100% wireless!

How’s that possible?

You know those wireless phone chargers?

Where you rest your phone on a pad…

And it charges without a cable? Just by placing the phone over the charging pad?

I don’t know about you… but I remember being blown away when wireless charging came out 10 years ago.

Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine… The same thing is now in development for electric cars.

It’s still in its earliest phases, but it’s amazing the results they’ve achieved so far…

Check out this Plugless Model S behind the scenes… See how it’s just sitting on top of that charging pad?

That’s all it has to do to charge the battery!

Honda also has a vehicle in the works using this new type of charging…

I’ve discovered just a handful of tiny companies are behind it!

This technology is still in its earliest phases, but these are companies to keep on your radar…

Especially once they go public.

The bonus report is called “Going Wireless: The Future of EVs”

I’d like to give it to you in addition to my The #1 Stock for America’s Great Distortion: 10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting a Critical American Industry.”

Just click that button below and you’ll be at the final step.

This is the Only Way on the Internet to Get My Private Research….

But I can’t click the button for you… you have to act if you want the chance to be wealthier.

And I hope you do.

Because too many people are falling behind in this country.

Even the folks doing everything right… working hard and saving… They can’t catch a break.

Data shows 48% of people who make over $100,000 are now living paycheck to paycheck.

Stats like these are why I believe… in an economy that makes no sense… you must have a guide.

And I’d like to be that guide for you.

Because going at it on your own and Googling your own stocks can be dangerous.

90% of people lose money that way. That’s worse odds than Russian Roulette.

Instead, I’d like to personally send you my best investment recommendation each month… I’d like to help you avoid these pitfalls… and grow your wealth in the process.

That’s what I’m committed to doing… all you have to do is click that button on your screen.

I can also show you the model portfolio I recommend building and which stocks to fill it with.

I’m sure you’ve noticed, things are happening faster than ever. The rallies. The selloffs. We have rising prices. Rising inflation. New industries are emerging. Old ones dying. We have easy Fed money causing speculation everywhere… and in turn, it’s distorting the markets and the value of everything.

It’s these reasons why I started my monthly newsletter Distortion Report.

It helps readers cut through all the noise the market is throwing at you… and reveal the best investments in the market, every single month of the year.

All you have to do is click that button on your screen and finish the final step to start receiving it.


I’m sure you’ve had some winners on your own these past few years, when the market was a bit easier to navigate.

That’s not why I think you need Distortion Report.

It’s because the markets are more volatile than ever. It’s because you can shave years off of your savings with one wrong move.

And do you really want to undo years of your hard work? Of course you don’t.

I can show you how to not only survive this distorted market, but to thrive in it…

And don’t take it just from me… please take it from my readers:

Here’s What Readers Say About Me…

Gina B. told me she “worked for the Federal Reserve throughout her life…” and my work was the most important she’d read in a decade 

Craig W. said, “Prins in a just world could easily receive the Nobel Prize for economics.”

And in a world of fake news, Steve G. put it best: “Nomi Prins doesn't sensationalize or create fear.”

Here’s How to Get My Research

Now with the price of everything going up and up and up nowadays…

Some people make the mistake of thinking that applies to my research too.

Far from it.

Normally Distortion Report costs $199 per year if its bought directly through my publisher’s website.

That’s actually a steal considering the research teams I used to manage at Goldman, Chase, Lehman, and Bear Stearns charged thousands of dollars per hour. And it’s a mere fraction of my Wall Street salary and bonuses.

But I’ve made my money. For me, this is a passion and it’s my life’s work.

So, what I like to do is work with as many people as I can and spread the cost out so that it's fair to everyone.

So today I’d like to get you Distortion Report for the next 12 months for just $49.

That’s 13 cents a day…

That gives you all of my monthly analysis for the next year, including the best investment opportunity every single month… plus access to my website and of course the special reports I have prepared for you:

  • “The #1 Stock for America’s Great Distortion: 10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting a Critical American Industry”
  • “Going Wireless: The Future of EVs”

It also shows you the model portfolio I recommend building…

You’ll see a lot of different sectors… New Energy and Infrastructure should be obvious from today’s briefing… but I also have tech companies, crypto companies, meta-reality companies… and more. All the sectors you should be investing in… I have stock recommendations for each of them.

But what I think you’ll love most is…

I’m going to let you try Distortion Report and access the website and portfolio… completely risk-free for the next 60 days.

You’ll Get Everything for 60-Risk Free Days… 100% Money-Back Satisfaction

Meaning it’s not going to cost you a thing if you decide you want to keep going about it on your own and cancel.

I’ll respect your decision either way.

So, you have 60 days… or 100% money back.

I’ve checked… and 60 days is actually TWICE as long as Amazon’s return policy!

So, what is there to lose? If nothing else it allows you to get my research on these EV stocks immediately. It allows you to see the full Distortion Report model portfolio immediately.

And you can keep all the research as a show of good faith, even if you decide to use these 60 days and cancel.

So, to recap you’ll get all of this:

  • 12 months of Distortion Report and investment recommendations
  • The two reports I mentioned:
  • The #1 Stock for America’s Great Distortion: 10x Gains on a Small Firm Disrupting a Critical American Industry
  • Going Wireless: The Future of EVs
  • 60 days risk-free
  • And a 100% money-back guarantee

All you have to do is say Yes! to receiving Distortion Report. Just click that button on your screen.

Just one click is all it takes to get started.

Remember you have the full 60 days to decide if it’s right for you.

You Can Try Out Distortion Report
For the Next 60-Days… Risk-Free

I think that gives you plenty of time to consider the on-going value of something like Distortion Report.

Think about it this way…

A subscription to Netflix and Amazon Prime sets you back hundreds each year.

And as nice as it is getting movies and packages quickly…

Those services never put money back in your pocket.

On the other hand, I could be alerting you to the best investments in the market… every single month… for the next 12 months…

And it won’t cost you hundreds…

I’m offering you all of this for 13 cents a day… just $49 for a full year.

So go ahead and click that button.

If you still need some re-assurance this is a good decision… I understand.

These folks crossed paths with me just like you… and look what they said:

Jeff T. looks forward to every issue he said… I like reading your newsletters as they always contain useful, relevant, and interesting content.

Gary S. likes the live on the scene part of my research… He wrote in saying: “Your videos from across the US are great - both in content and seeing that you're out doing boots-on-the-ground work.

And Leah B told me simply: Great newsletter Nomi and I am a follower!

I didn’t ask these people to write that.

Nor did I ask the hundreds of people who’ve reviewed me on Amazon…

I like to think… My reputation precedes me. And with your 60 risk-free days, you’ll find out for yourself.

But before you click and start your journey, there’s one final thing I’d like you to do….

One Final Thing…

I want you to consider all the data you’ve just seen:

  • Oil companies… abandoning oil fields in the face of record prices.
  • Every major car maker and fortune 500 company is converting their fleets over to electric.
  • 500,000 EV stations in the works
  • A paper trail of half a TRILLION dollars from Washington…
  • Hedge funds, billionaires, startups… all of them are frenzying in this sector that will experience non-stop growth for the next 8 years…

Believe it or not, some people are going to flat out refuse to recognize these facts.

Some will even laugh at all of this and mock it.

Just like they laughed at Drake and the earliest investors in oil….

But I look at all of that as stubborn pride… refusing to admit what’s in front of you… or some stubborn attachment to gasoline…

Making that decision will only lose you money.

I can’t recommend you do that.

And that brings me to essentially, the only choice you can make: the option to act…. and get the details on the stock I’ve told you about…

The chance to get more of my recommendations hand-delivered to you every single month…

And the potential to make a LOT of money from my recommendations over the next 12 months.

I promise you…

You’re going to start seeing more and more of those stations, like the one I was reporting from.

If you remember your history…

It only took 12 months for oil to go from men laughing about it… to having more than 60 wells in the state of Pennsylvania alone.


Folks will be paying as little as 3 cents per mile… and enjoying massive savings from the pain at the pump.

50% of the cars on the road will soon be electric…

Half a million charging stations will be springing up across the country and in your home town.

And the parallels of history will play out once again.

Just think…

What if you’re walking in a Starbucks parking lot in the next 12 months and you see one of these charging stations? This is a HUGE opportunity, you’ll have a physical reminder of it wherever you go.

And at the center of this massive new trend… is the stock I told you about.

If the evidence is any indicator… This stock could rise 10 times in value like we saw with Beam.

Over the long haul it could rise 30 times in value, like we saw with Blink…

You’ve seen the proof. It’s happened before and for the right stocks…

And it will happen again.

All you have to do is click that button below and get started.

Thanks for watching!


Dave Forest signature

Nomi Prins
Editor, Distortion Report

May 2022

Troubleshooting Enphase Videos