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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

GTown 5.2 Acres Boondoogle, Apartments on Wetlands

 What's Going on at the 5.2 acre site and old Exit Realty building, you ask? The truth is a real head scratcher!!! So, I think it is common knowledge that for "secret reasons" our Village Board decided to buy a 5.2 acre parcel of land behind the Bier Stube, along with the old gray and blue Exit Realty building, both owned by Jerry Groesnick. 

Overall a number of decades, this property has been a village park, and an apple orchard, and also had several businesses on the property, including a frame and axle shop. I talked to a few people who actually grew up in Germantown, and they remember the 5.2 acres as a marshy, swampy piece of land. 

 However, in the last couple of years, that acreage was identified by Washington County as a site for "Next Generation Housing". And there are several issues with this entire project people should be aware of. I don't even think people who live in this area are aware of the Village's plans. Here are some facts: 1)The Village put in an offer to purchase the Exit Realty building for $450,000 and the 5.2 acres for roughly $750,000, the highest price the landowner has ever asked for the parcels. 

This SAME Village Board cut the library and Recreation Department budgets, and in the name of "cost savings" is transitioning our local police dispatch to the County. So HOW do they have the money to fund a $1,200,000 purchase? Maybe ask your trustee! Oh, and by the way, a local business owner wanted to buy the property, but the Village swooped in and signed a contract, squeezing him out, and to add injury to insult, will not pay him back the money he paid the Village for a conditional use permit application. 

Yet another example of how our Village treats it's own residents, POORLY! 2)As part of the due diligence process, several issues have been discovered, which are problematic. First of all, there are significant wetlands on the property (maybe that explains people recalling the area as "swampy" and "marshy"?  So that limits the potential development of the site. 

Second, there is significant contamination on the site, including pesticide residue from the apple orchard and other materials in the soil, up to a meter down. And that's not all, there are areas of potential contamination that can't be tested because there is concrete/other surfaces in the way. How much has the Village spent on all these soil tests/environmental testing? $12,000 - $13,000 and counting. 

Also, there is a large storm water easement that cuts right through the middle of the parcel, limiting development. Again, these are big issues to navigate, why are they doing it? 3)The only area that can be developed is small compared to the 5.2 acres, and according to a recent report, the only thing that would fit is "multi- tenant housing" (I call that apartments). 

So even though Next Gen Housing is for SINGLE family homes, if that site is developed, we will likely have a couple new apartment buildings there if the Village pushes ahead with it. 4)The Village has done all of this 'work" behind the scenes and hidden in closed session meetings. 

They apparently have no interest in telling the residents of Germantown what their plans are, or perhaps MORE importantly, the people living right in that area. There is at least one if not more homes on the Germantown Historical Society registry right by that area, as one example. 

Ask your trustee who told them to do this. I can't find anyone who supports it. Maybe the County dangled some ARPA funds in front of our nose and our Board bit on that, who knows? Information is very difficult to find out! I have a lot of information but did not want to throw a lot of links and information on this. if you want more information, message me and I will provide it. 

This VERY CONCERNING, and we as taxpayers should be aware of how our taxes are being spent and why. Thank you for reading this post.

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