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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Synposis, Kill The Useless Eaters, Slo-De-Pop The Annoying Slaves Until They Can Replace US With Robots and AI


I think I figured it out about a year ago.

  1. Quickly kill off the “useless eaters” to avoid pensions and health care costs, leaving more money in the system for them to skim off. Older people tend to be more Republican, more conservative, so kill off those votes too, to make the election swindles not as hard or obvious to pull off.
  2. Damage some of the population, so that they become financially at risk, and must rely on the Government for basic needs and health care.
  3. Reduce the fertility of the populations so that population can be reduced over time, say to around 3B by say 2050. Coined the Slo-Depop (TM). The Jabs do affect fertility, with the Spike S targeting the ACE-2 receptor sites that are a large part of the testes and the ovaries.
  4. So as not to affect their wealth, power, and privilege, the Elite have chosen the slo-depop so that the “missing people” can be replaced with Robots and AI over time. Bottom line — if they wiped out 5B people in say 2 years, the chaos and loss of wealth would be enormous.
  5. The elite are just sick and tired of even having to listen to the little people whine, after stressing people out for years on end, then put them through fear of no food, and for many, actual no food, control them via famine via destruction of food producing activites, food storage and food transportation.
  6. Outlaw the basic building blocks of life. Tax and minimize Carbon and Nitrogen.
  7. Capite?

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