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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Early Treatment Protocol -- COVID and FLU


Early Treatment Protocol

Strategy: Fortify the Immune System and “Calm The Storm” aka reduce inflammation

If pregnant, definitely consult your doctor or physicians assistant (PA) before proceeding.

Be cautious of taking any anti-biotic if you have JUST a viral infection.   The anti-biotics ALSO wipe out all the good bacteria in your gut.   70% of the immune system is created in the gut, if you wipe this out, your ability to fight the virus is lessened.

Don’t be intimidated by the length of this document, the real meat is the section immediately below, start this immediately.   The rest is “Bonus Material”.


Vitamin Bolstering

Vitamin D3: Take 10,000 units per day.   On a bright summer day, your body makes 20,000 “units” of vitamin D3 in a day.   And you never get sick in summer.  Space it out and take it with your Vit C

Vitamin C: 1000mg twice a day, even better is to do 500mg 4 times a day.   Realistically, the more the better.   Take as much as you can without getting upset stomach due to the acid.   Best to take after food, we recommend a high pro-biotic diet, yogurt is a great start.   Note below, the NAC is best taken before food.

Vitamin B Complex: Some recommend just B12, but I believe it is beneficial to get all the B Vitamins, my Brand is Super Vitamin B-Complex

Zinc: 100 mg per day.   The common dissolving tablets are great because they coat the mouth and throat, often the place where viruses first install, however, the brand I have is only 12mg, I had to go to their website to find that information.   You can do the dissolving tablets AND also take vitamin pills.

Quercetin Bromelain: 1600 mg Quercetin per day, 330 mg Bromelain per day.   This is over the counter and fairly easy to find.  

NAC: 1200 mg per day, take before/without food.

Aspirin: 325mg per day, unless contraindicated by your doctor.   It works as anti-inflammatory and as a blood anti-clotting agent.    It helps prevent blood clots which are a prime effects of the Spike S protein that is part of COVID and also a part of taking the COVID Shot.   See section on Medical Monitoring, your blood pressure and pulse rate are likely to both be elevated, aspirin will help regulate them downward.

Melatonin 2 to 10 mg before bed.   Melatonin is a natural hormone created in your brain when darkness comes.    It help you go to sleep and to stay asleep in a deeper sleep.    During early treatment, sleep as much as you can.   NOTE: There are wide personal differences in how Melatonin affects people, and the rate at which it is used up in the body.   10 may be way too much for some people and you might be groggy the whole next day.   


Anti-Septic Anti-Viral

Mouthwash 3 times per day.    Any mouthwash is better than no mouthwash, but ideally your mouthwash should contain chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine, or certylpyridinium chloride.

Thieves Oil: A Blend of Essential Oils with known anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal effects.    Buy online or make your own, the recipe is easy to find.   Using small spray bottle, spray directly into mouth, trying to get to the back of the throat where virus often “install” first.  Use several times a day, the taste is good too.

Iodine nasal spray/drops: Use 1% povidone-iodine commercial product as per instructions 2–3 x daily. If 1%-product not available, must first dilute the more widely available 10%-solution6 and apply 4–5 drops to each nostril every 4 hours. (No more than 5 days in pregnancy.)

Anti-Inflammatory and Oxygen Support

See notes in Medical Monitoring, Pulse-Oximeter

There are 2 types of Asthma Inhalers.    One if fast acting, and is not a steroid, the other is taken daily, is a steroid, and provide anti-inflammatory action,  but does not relieve acute conditions.   Have some of both on hand, they are probably fine long after their expiration date.

Albuterol is the fast acting inhaler.    The small sacks in your lungs get dilated (enlarged) and you get better oxygen transfer.   They say 2 inhalations every 4 to 6 hours.    But if your O2 levels are going down, I would consult a medical professional and see if you can do more.

The other usually slower acting type of inhaler is usually prescribed for a daily application, and will be one of several steroids (Budesonide is common).   Steroids are anti-inflamatory.   Being inflamed makes every body function not work as well.   When the lungs get inflamed, it is more likely to get the secondary bacterial infection of the lungs, and that could be pneumonia on top of your first case of viral infection.

Loss of Taste or Smell: One patient had no taste or smell for a week, but within 3 days of using the Nasal Steroid nasal spray, recovered 70% of taste and smell.   These are normally for allergies, and they are steroids so that is great as they are anti-inflammatory, they “calm the storm”.   Fluticasone propionate is the Ingredient.   The trade name will often have Fluti in the name such as FlutiCare

Dietary Recommendations

Do NOT discount the power of Chicken Noodle Soup!   Have some in stock at all times.   If you can make some fresh, with fresh organic vegetables, even better.

Honey.   Real Honey will last in storage for 25 years.   Honey is magic and swallowing a tablespoon a couple times a day, trying to swoosh it around a bit will help general health and anti-viral anti-bacterial.

Garlic.  If you are lucky enough to find the long term marinated garlic cloves, in the Asian section, you can eat 3 or 4 like candy.   Twice a day.

Ginger.   You can make Ginger and Honey tea, or you can find marinated Ginger slices, known to Sushi chefs as Gari, in the Asian section, if you are lucky.

Pro-biotic diet and/or supplements: You will have a strong immune system if you eat a broad pro-biotic diet.    Non-pasteurized yogurt is a great start.   I also like Kimchee and Natto.    Natto is fermented soybeans and has a specialized bacteria that you are not likely to get from other sources.   Watch out if buying a pro-biotic pill form, some have very limited types of bacteria, there are roughly 17 important bacteria so you want a “broad spectrum”

Prescription Medicines

HCQ and Ivermectin.   Do your own research.   It is best to have these on hand before you have any symptoms, they may take quite some time to obtain, and early treatment is by far the best.   There are online doctors that do telemedicine and they are keen on prescribing these.  

Be aware that some Pharmacies will not fill an order if it is listed as prevention (Prophylactic) or treatment of COVID.   There are also online Pharmacies that will fill prescriptions and some will even write the prescription for you also.

Dosing of Ivermectin is something you are going to have to deal with.   The chart below is for 0.2 mg per kg of body weight.   I am not familiar with HCQ.  

For Ivermectin, other dosages I have seen are 0.4 and 0.6 mg/kg of body weight.   They usually come at 3 mg per pill but other dosages are out there.   Animal forms are also available, and people have screwed themselves up by taking a dose for an 1800 pound horse.   I could only see using this in an emergency in which you cannot get Ivermectin.    But back to point number one….get it ahead of time and have it sitting in your medicine supplies, along with the anti-biotics that you have stocked up on.    Capite?

Vital Signs Monitoring

These are simple and cheap methods of monitoring your “Vital Signs”.   And it is very effective too.    Quite simply, if you are getting steadily better, keep going on the program, if you are getting worse you  will have to make a call of when to go to a Doctor or Emergency Room.    The last page is a chart where you should take your Vital Signs and write them down every 3 to 4 hours.   In the event that you have to seek medical help, take your “chart” with you, it will help them understand your condition.  

You should obtain all of these now, and I like the idea of having 2 because if one breaks you have a backup, and if you get a weird reading, you can try the other device.

Pulse Oximeter: $20 to $40 some are fancier and show a PI% (strength of the pulse).   It shows oxygenation of the blood and pulse rate.   97 to 100% is a good numbers, improving is a good direction.   Some places say if it drops to 94% you go to the emergency room.   I would say that at 88% no matter how well you are doing otherwise, you present yourself as a problem for the emergency room.

Temperature: Simple and no-brainer.   You should have a baseline, some people run colder or hotter than 98.2.    If your base temperature is 97.2, then a temperature of 100.2 would be a real concern, but if your average was 98.7 then 100.2 would just be something that you log and monitor.

Blood pressure.   Once again, good to have a baseline.    When I had COVID my blood pressure was 160/100 and pulse rate in the 90s, with the protocol that went down to 140/90 the next morning and then 130/85 then next morning.   I took readings every 3 or 4 hours.   Some people might decide to go to emergency room at 160, my number would be 180/120 if either one was exceeded.

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