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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Risk Reward Anaylsis of mRNA Vaccines in UK and USA By Age Groups

This was a rather serious and tedious effort, that required many hours of my A Game. 

The most critical factor is the VAERS under reporting number.    A Harvard Pilgrim study showed about only 1 in 100 adverse events get reported, Steve Kirsch settles on 1 in 41 get reported.    A Columbia University  Professor posits 1 in 20 but without support.     

That being the case, I built a spreadsheet that allows the VAERS reporting percentage to be user changed and the rest of the spreadsheet responds to create risk reward.    I focus only on Deaths, although there are many other severe adverse events. 

Here is the spreadsheet if you want it.   If you use it elsewhere attribute it back to this source with a working hyperlink.









Curious, the overall adverse events by age group.    Perhaps older people, less tech savvy, just report even less, or they just don't care so much about health problems as they are already dealing with many. 


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Analysis of 143,299 VAERS Reports, 5% of the Batches Account for Almost All the Serious Adverse Events

I'll be backing up and then migrating to Wordpress. Data Mavens may want to check the data and work----it a Tome at 250MB. 

This is the complete record, it’s a download link. 

I made quite a few charts and such. no password

This is the whole record, most batches have just 0,1, or 2 adverse events. The special ones are in chart 2. 


 It could easily have been seen that this Batch 213C21A was Killing and Maiming a lot of people in August. They could have easily detected that and pulled all the product for destruction and/or analysis. 

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