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Thursday, June 25, 2020

BLM Donations Do Not Go To Help Black People, They Go To Fund Dem / Socialist Campaigns

I will throw out an assertation, or is that an assertion?

Democrats talk up how they are "for blacks" but their policies do not end up in actually helping
blacks.   That should be obvious without need for any backup just by looking at the decades of Dem controlled cities, but especially in combination with Dem Governors.

But let's get to the facts.

When you go to the main BLM website, here, and click on the donate button....

It takes you to here.   ActBlue.   Blue being Democrats of course.

 OK, so far so good.

Now how does ActBlue disperse it's money?

You can find that here:

It is interesting that there are over $2.5M of "UN-Classifiable Expenses" which is odd.    I mean I have run businesses since 1988, and my own since 2001 and all expenses go into a category.   There is nothing that is "unclassifiable" unless perhaps you are hiring shady operatives????

But check the last image.....$186M to Bernie....they wanted the Socialist.  And he was an obvious loser, they then gave $119M Joe (God is the 'thing') Biden.  

And a good writeup on a crucial question.....what else does ActBlue spend their money on......answer is....on social issues, if the politicians refuse to accept their donation.     Wow.

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