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Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Monday, November 13, 2023
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Pike Lake -- Increase Lapham
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Friday, October 13, 2023
Patch Panel MIG Welding
This guy does a good job of explaining welding science, without dragging it out.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Hawaii News “Morning Beat” Questions the Authority Narrative of Lahaina Fire
Hawaii News “Morning Beat” Questions the Authority Narrative of Lahaina Fire
I tried to link to this directly to Bitchute in YouTube comments and it was immediately banned, twice, and the ban took less than a minute.
Then I put it on nukepro and linked to nukepro....and it was also banned within a minute. Can their censor program follow links to read other links?????? And how deep would that go.
width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:
Monday, September 18, 2023
Pipe welding techniques for heat exchangers
Lots of fabrication information on this site
Manual method to do pipe connections at any angle
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Heavy Hitting Conspiracies of the Maui Conflagration -- Where Are The Water Heaters, Where are the Refrigerators?
Did the criminals that be think that citizen journalists wouldn't be documenting the hell out of this, and preserving the evidence?
I have a few bullet points I stole from the net, but here is mine. I do solar, I do the electric panels....which many houses with panels survived....those are the wealthier class solar electric is not cheap at $20,000 to $40,000 and up. But almost everyone has solar hot water, and likely a really big tank, and 80 gallon is quite big, and a 120 gallon is massive.
Where are the water heaters? Where are the Refrigerators. These are steel, and the heater are thick steel, they would melt at 2600F. Where are they?
Look at all the drone footage, where are the water heaters?
And why did this car gets it's Quarter Panel cut off horizontally, it wouldn't melt like that, at least in the conventional thinking of melt? My plasma torch could do it for sure, that's like a laser, but only a 1/4 inch away.
Friday, August 25, 2023
One Photo That Is Everything You Need to Know About The Maui Fires -- L@zer Cut Hood and Fender
After reviewing the photo, do you come to the only conclusion that I come to: Directed Energy Weapons?
Is there any other possible situation that could produce this result?
One Photo That Is Everything You Need to Know About The Maui Fires -- L@zer Cut Hood and Fender
Pure Aluminum melts at 1200F, Aluminum Alloys melt above that. Both could be melted by a strong wildfire.
A normal wildfire can be 900F and up to 1200F. In my fireplace, burning dry super dense, 2 year aged Oak, I see up to 550F off the heat exchanger, so the real fire is hotter. But there is no air injection. An amazing forest fire could top at 2000F, not enough to melt steel, which melts around 2600F.
Now let’s talk shop for a while…as an Automotive Engineer and Material Scientist, we have watched many trends….replacing Steel with Aluminum. The easiest to replace is the hood, and trunk lid. In an accident, they need 4 to 12 bolts to removed and replace with the new part. Fenders and Quarter panels are much more costly to replace.
In the above image, even if the hood or fender was aluminum, it would not “go away” in a straight curved line.
Final photo, that cannot be easily explained: Boom. Its the downtown district of Lahaina.
Friday, June 23, 2023
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Nukepro Appears to Be Magically Back Check It Out
Note the last Article before site went into "Critical Error"
Well it saved me hundreds of hours of research and writing, which I put to very good use!!!
Clif High and the Earth Precessional Rotation About the Astrologic Signs
stock here. Clif sure is interesting. I like some of his Earth movement graphics, but think he is getting other galactic aspects pretty wrong.
Guide to the Great Year ~Part One.
It’s getting Yuga out there!
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Conspiracist’s Guide to the Great Year ~Part One.
It’s getting Yuga out there!
The concept of the ‘Great Year’ is based on the astronomical phenomenon that occurs due to the Earth's axis slowly rotating over a period of approximately 25,920 years. The vernal equinox, which marks the beginning of spring, gradually shifts against the backdrop of the fixed stars over this cycle. The rotation of the earth’s axis, as it is propelling the vernal equinox through the fixed astronomical divisions, is also rising and falling when viewed against the Galactic center from our solar system’s position on the edge of the third minor spiral arm. This motion produces an apparent rotation closer to, then further away from, the center of the MilkyWay Galaxy.
The apparent rotation around Galactic Center is an illusion created by the motion of earth being drug behind our sun as though debris in a comet’s tail.
The rising and falling motion is not visible from our perspective here on Earth, and thus we have the concept of orbiting the galactic center on a very long cycle basis.
The periodic, wave motion of our solar system’s path around the MilkyWay galaxy is also responsible for a ‘view’ of the Galactic Center as the center of our Great Year (apparent) orbit. This is due to the rising and falling of our motion around the edge of our minor spiral arm as it is also moving.
The primary effect for our solar system, and thus for Earth and Humanity, is a rising and falling amount of Galactic Center Emanations (GCE). This is a descriptor for the radiation that comes from the massively collected solar systems at the galactic center. The radiation levels are many millions, if not trillions of times that of our sun in the collective emanations emerging from the galactic center.
The effect of more of the GCE is thought to be a higher quality of intelligence being available throughout the Earth biosphere at all levels, including that of human intelligence. It is this ‘intelligence increasing on exposure to more GCE’ that forms the mechanism that powers the Hindu concept of the Yugas.
In Hindu cosmology, the Yugas are cyclic ages that follow one another in a specific order: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga. The Kali Yuga (the Iron Age) is considered to be the darkest and most spiritually challenging period, characterized by a decline in righteousness and moral values. The Kali Yuga is the last of the cycles, and represents that point at which most of the GCE radiations are blocked from our solar system by the density of the galaxy between earth and the galactic center.
The Kali Yuga is bracketed by the Dwapara Yuga, or “Bronze Age” on either side of the 2400 Kali years. The ages leading down toward the increasing density of the central mass of the galaxy are considered to be the ‘descending’, while those rising away from the obscuring mass are labeled as ‘ascending’. Again the idea is a ‘descending’ level of consciousness, awareness, and intelligence as the Yugas descend down into Kali, and a rising of, a blossoming, an expanding of those qualities as more of the GCE reaches earth, and Humanity.
Pretty much mainstream thinking in India, and for several billions of people in Asia, the Yuga cycles have recently been under scrutiny in the ‘black projects’ world of the Western Liberal Republics, being led by the USA. This new interest in these cycles is apparently prompted by deep research within the Russian UFO community since 2001 into the Yuga cycles with the expected focus on UFO activity here on earth over these last few millennia.
The application of the Yuga cycles as a template for activities here on Earth, especially as related to Humanity and the Other (Space Alien Invaders), is a very good fit. A temporal map is provided that shows the activity of the Space Alien Invaders over this past Yuga cycle, and their impact on, and interaction with humans.
This temporal map is a work in progress, and will be augmented in subsequent chapters of this guide when interactions between the Space Alien Invaders, and disparate human civilizations are explored.
Sources, mostly in Sanskrit, but also in Hebrew, and other languages, when interpreted in light of our modern understanding, suggest that the GANZ of the Space Alien Invaders was a radiation shield of considerable size, perhaps covering many thousands of square miles in some instances. This word, GANZ, is inappropriately translated as ‘garden’ in the christian Bible, and some versions of the Torah. It is not a hebrew word. It comes from the Elohim/Annunaki themselves.
These GANZ were electro-magnetic bubbles over the genetic laboratories of the Space Invaders. These bubbles were what allowed the Judeans in the Old Testament to live 900+ years. It is suspected that it was the level of the GCE within the bubbles that provided humans with this lifespan.
A central issue for many researchers into these subjects had been the technology of the GANZ relative to the environment of the Earth. It had been assumed early in the process that the GANZ shield was to keep radiation out, that is to moderate and eliminate radiation types that the Space Alien Invaders found to be troubling.
Current thinking is that there is evidence for the opposite case to be made; that is, that the GANZ were radiation shields that effectively concentrated, or captured, the Galactic Center Emanations. This line of thinking includes some tangential evidence suggesting that the Space Alien Invaders were able to augment the environment within the GANZ to somehow boost the levels of GCE.
Further, the research also suggests that there are indications that the Space Alien Invaders came from some region much closer to Galactic Center, thus would be expected to be adapted to, and requiring, higher levels of GCE than was being experienced in our solar system at the time of the descending Bronze Age, the last Dwapara period.
Many further speculations exist with this new line of research of GCE dependent Space Alien Invaders. These new lines of research will be explored as they are developed.
Below is the first publication of the Conspiracists’ Guide Map of the Yuga. It will be updated in subsequent chapters as indicated by conclusions.
Let's Talk About Zelensky - For The Unitiated This Article Will Explain Much of the Current War
Zelensky is from the Donbass, he speaks Russian. His most popular comedy routine was in Russian. He oversaw the killing of say 14,000 Russian speaking people in Donbass.
He oversaw the shelling of the Nuclear Plant by his own troops (or collective west assets).
Russia is very unlikely to destroy important infrastructure in areas that it has total or primary control of. Therefore, the destruction of this dam and hydroelectric plant was likely done under Zelelnsky's authority. But that said, let's be clear. Zelensky was selected, just like AOC was selected, to play his part. He enjoyed being installed as President in 2014.
And I watched in real time as he was being explained his true role in this Special Operation. He liked the sound bites like "I need ammunition, not a ride". But when they explained the true course, he was balking, pushing back. He likely understood that the path he was being pushed down, was the death of at least hundred's of thousand of his countrymen, and especially his brother Russians in Ukraine. He understood that he was to oversee the Wrecking of his own country. But don't worry, Blackrock will coordinate to Build Back Better.
He was pushing back. And what exactly did they do to him to get him to continue his part? Well first we will get your attention by a terrible car accident in which your provided lovely wife will lose a leg and have a concussion. Then your daughter will be collateral damage in a bomb attack on a Jew run media agency.... I don't consider Z to be a tough guy....he is a tiny puffed up puppet....but even the tough guys get controlled like this....threats and actual damage to their loved ones.
And maybe they were withholding his beloved cocaine....a long time reader Lot's Wife, was writing this same story at 6AM today.
Cannibalize the culture; burn the seed corn; create chaos.
To be expected, if the leader of the pack is coke junkie. Zelensky’s
judgement is blinded by his addiction. What other national leaders have
ruled while impaired? Why isn’t it widely known?
The whole story of Ukraine leads to many fascinating history lessons. As a general note Russia has "held" Crimea continuously since Catherine the Great routed the Tatar invaders 1700s. Sovereignty passed briefly to the Ukraine with Khrushchev, then reverted. No sane adult actually believes that it shall return to the Neo-Ukraine.
Catherine the Great is a great story all by herself.
Here Alex says, let's talk about the News.....
The catastrophe is unfolding. Entire houses are washed away by the flooding Dnipro River.
— (((Tendar))) (@Tendar) June 6, 2023
Source: #Kherson
Nikki Haley says it’s in the best interest of American taxpayers to give $113B of their hard earned money to defend Ukraine’s eastern border. She may not technically be of the Jewish religion, but she 100% supports Jews, and gets huge financial and news support from the Jews.
hey Nikki....did you know that much of Ukraine's AFU are literally Nazis? Lets try to downplay that as just a "thorny history"....

Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers To Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits
The New York Times has been forced to very, very belatedly deal with something which had long been obvious and known to many independent analysts and media outlets, but which has been carefully shielded from the mainstream masses in the West for obvious reasons.
The surprising Monday Times headline said that "Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History." This acknowledgement comes after literally years of primarily indy journalists and geopolitical commentators pointing out that yes indeed... Ukraine's military and paramilitary groups, especially those operating in the east since at least 2014, have a serious Nazi ideology problem. This has been exhaustively documented, again, going back years. But the report, which merely tries to downplay it as a "thorny issue" of Ukraine's "unique" "History" - suggests that the real problem for Western PR is fundamentally that it's being displayed so openly. Ukrainian troops are being asked to cover those Nazi symbols please!--as Matt Taibbi sarcastically quipped in commenting on the report.

The authors of the NYT report begin by expressing frustration over the optics of Nazi symbols being displayed so proudly on many Ukrainian soldiers' uniforms. Suggesting that many journalistic photographs which have in some cases been featured in newspapers and media outlets worldwide (typically coupled with generally positive articles on Ukraine's military) are merely 'unfortunate' or misleading, the NYT report says, "In each photograph, Ukrainians in uniform wore patches featuring symbols that were made notorious by Nazi Germany and have since become part of the iconography of far-right hate groups."
The report admits this has led to controversy wherein news rooms actually must delete some photos of Ukrainian soldiers and militants. "The photographs, and their deletions, highlight the Ukrainian military’s complicated relationship with Nazi imagery, a relationship forged under both Soviet and German occupation during World War II," continues the report.
So it's merely "thorny" and "complicated" we are told. Below is a small sampling of the kinds of patches that appear on Ukrainian military uniforms with "some regularity" - in the words of The New York Times:
NATO itself has in the recent past been forced to delete images on its official social media accounts due to Nazi imagery being present among Ukrainian troops during photo shoots.
The following line from the report says everything you need to know about the so-called "paper of record" and its one-sided and ultra-simplistic coverage of what many are finally waking up to realize is a war with a deeply complex reality (to say the least), and far from the MSM's goodies vs. baddies Hollywoodesque narrative of Putler vs. the free world which is typical of networks from CNN to Fox to NBC...
From the NY Times:
"In November, during a meeting with Times reporters near the front line, a Ukrainian press officer wore a Totenkopf variation made by a company called R3ICH (pronounced “Reich”). He said he did not believe the patch was affiliated with the Nazis. A second press officer present said other journalists had asked soldiers to remove the patch before taking photographs."
And now we might expect some significant efforts at damage control, or even perhaps we're witnessing the beginnings of evolving definitions and the moving of goalposts. More from NY Times [emphasis ZH]:
But some members of these groups have been fighting Russia since the Kremlin illegally annexed part of the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014 and are now part of the broader military structure. Some are regarded as national heroes, even as the far-right remains marginalized politically.
The iconography of these groups, including a skull-and-crossbones patch worn by concentration camp guards and a symbol known as the Black Sun, now appears with some regularity on the uniforms of soldiers fighting on the front line, including soldiers who say the imagery symbolizes Ukrainian sovereignty and pride, not Nazism.
Some are writing more appropriate and apt headlines for the NYT story...
Only very recently Ukraine's Defense Ministry and even President Zelensky's office was caught in the act:
In April, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted a photograph on its Twitter account of a soldier wearing a patch featuring a skull and crossbones known as the Totenkopf, or Death’s Head. The specific symbol in the picture was made notorious by a Nazi unit that committed war crimes and guarded concentration camps during World War II.
The patch in the photograph sets the Totenkopf atop a Ukrainian flag with a small No. 6 below. That patch is the official merchandise of Death in June, a British neo-folk band that the Southern Poverty Law Center has said produces “hate speech” that “exploits themes and images of fascism and Nazism.”
To be expected, the Times still tries to run cover while desperately seeking to 'reassure' its audience by writing that "In the short term, that threatens to reinforce Putin’s propaganda and giving fuel to his false claims that Ukraine must be 'de-Nazified' — a position that ignores the fact that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish."
New levels of cope indeed...
But then still, the NYT concedes awkwardly, "More broadly, Ukraine’s ambivalence about these symbols, and sometimes even its acceptance of them, risks giving new, mainstream life to icons that the West has spent more than a half-century trying to eliminate."
Monday, June 5, 2023
Overall Economies Affected By Ocean Shipping Rates and Constraints
A reader sent this link. Bloomberg claiming a "dry panama canal"
Sunday, June 4, 2023
CDC Appoints Another Incompetent Jewish Female to Destroy the Health of America
She ran away when Trump came in.....
This is just not a good look
Friday, June 2, 2023
Solar Micro-Nova and the Coming Catastrophy -- They Don't Want 8 Billion Unruly Slaves, 500M to 1B Will Be Fine and More Manageable
stock here: Do you know Nova?
On my now "critical error" Nukepro last year I posted the Normal Curve for the next Micro-Nova, the earliest likely was 1977 and the last likely is probably 2098, with 2030 to 2050 being the "sweet spot". It also requires a very calm period of solar activity to allow the accretion of galactic dust.
And much of this dust will be pushed ahead of the Galactic current sheet, which has a thickness, not just a right line, pushing dust like snow on a shovel. And then as the center of the sheet approaches, the trigger of the micronova, if all the conditions are right.
The year 536 AD is know as the worst year in civilization, a massive Volcanic Event which dropped solar insolation and temperature for a decade across the planet. There was death, disease, and political upheaval and the uprising of Muhammad in the next generation. The 12,000 year cycle sub-divides into 6000, 3000, and 1500 year events with some variation, that my studied review puts at 11,500 to 12,500 years on the "Main Cycle". On the 1500 year event, that equate to plus or minus 62 years.
536 plus 1500 is 2036. 1974 to 2098 is therefore the likely target range of the Micro-Nova, and given that we skipped by 45 years, it is proportionally more likely to happen in the upcoming years, especially if we get into a "Grand Solar Minimum" which does not look like the Cycle 25 that we are in which was sure low on the low side, but Cycle 25 Looks like it will match Cycle 24 which was low but not extraordinarily so.
This 6th Century Bubonic plague is overshadowed by the 1400 Plague, it launched in fury in Roman Eqypt, and in the starving and Vitamin D deficient populations. The plague started in 541, and spread into Saudi Arabia and Europe. And then the Rise of Muhhamad in Arabia, apparently he lived a a regular merchant for 40 years before he started getting visions. Like Hitler, he had a trajectory towards more radical ideas as time went on.
These things are a known event. The first Astronauts on the Moon were looking for glassified rocks that would be evidence of the Micro-Nova.
I postulated that TPTB were doing a necessary thing, to reduce population so that recovery from the Micro-Nova and possible Earth spinning orientation shift (palm trees in the Greenland Ice at 2000 feet down). ;My more cynical views is that these sociopaths and psychopaths are doing it so that they can remain at the top of the heap on the flip side of the Cataclysm.
21 hours ago
Had found this video years ago ( i think its from 2008) and went back to it when Trump killed the Iranian general, and went back to again when COVID started, and have been going back to it again now with all this Russia war path we are on.
In a nutshell guy says powers that be have knowledge that earth has cyclical cataclysmic events and they have with high confidence a time frame of when it happens. The plan is to to reduce the population through disease and then war before this event happens so the crisis is “more manageable”, as in , its easier to control 1 billion people worldwide when major catastrophe happens than 7 billion and to weaken other world superpowers through Wars so that they aren’t prepared to manage the natural catastrophes that come after.
He says its game starts off by instigating war with Iran, which i thought was possible when they hit Iranian general, then he says they give China a cold (COVID), release virus on China eventually spreads to world but more to weaken china to not retaliate. After that, war with Russia and beginning WWIII and whoever is left over has to deal with cataclysmic disaster. which is what power brokers want, less people around, much more manageable with less angry hungry mouths.. eventually they are left standing to run **** when the dust settles
The real goal, he explained, is to set up the post-catastrophic world. To ensure that this "New World" [note the term] is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs - with an excuse that the populace will accept and demand them. Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. (A "NEW WORLD" order). What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.
You made it this is a Macro-nova
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Biden Entity Fumbles The Nuclear Football at Military Event
Disgraceful and Harmful that this stooge was placed in front of us, as a sign of our abuse.
81 Million Votes, my ass!
— Far-Right Fascist--Nuclear-Ultra-MAGA Patriot (@charliekulyrwah) June 1, 2023
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Voting Fraud Via The Voting Machines
This article covers the shaky #FaF convoluted ownership of voting machines and tabulation methods. It does not dive into the "features" of various voting machines, and "web connectivity".
But the whole ownership debacle, and the "anti-trust" buffoonery are fishy enough, and it's long story, one hard to follow.
In 1974, a young man who worked at a printing company named Robert J. Urosevich had a history-altering realization: the optical mark reader machines being used to score standardized school tests (quickly by the thousands) might have other applications too. Thus was born in the brain of an otherwise unremarkable salesman one of history’s worst ideas: could these machines also read an election ballot?
Unfortunately, Bob Urosevich would live long enough to find out.
So Bob, along with his brother Todd, formed a new company in 1976 called Data Mark Systems (DESI) to get “electronic voting machines” into American politics. Because our parents were wiser than us, this new idea was a flop in the 1970s. Sadly, this failure did not stop Bob Urosevich. When the scanner manufacturer, Westinghouse, sensibly got out of the voting machine business in 1979, Bob started his second company — called American Information Systems (AIS) — to further his terrible idea and its awful legacy.

The New from The Captured US Government: Don't Worry About Dying Young, Since You Aren't Going to Be Healthy Anyway
This was curious. I did some research several years back, and bottom line was that if you were already 55 and fairly healthy that your life expectancy would not be 78 years, the average, but more like 88 years.
This had massive implications for financial planning. And the elephant in the room no one was talking about, not even knowing that it should be talked about.
Now, the numbers appear completely different, and "they" are saying that if you are 60 in USA, you can plan on another 21 years, so 81. Seems very odd.
But a meme stood out, and I am calling the bastards out.
Don't Worry About Dying Young, Since You Aren't Going to Be Healthy Anyway
Oh cool, now "they" have put malware bytes up to censoring my third site.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
The Blind Continue to "Trust Authority". For Those That Know and Tell The Truth, This is Only the Beginning
Seen on the net.....what does it take before the brutal obvious cannot be ignored or accepted?
Heartbreaking, to see photos of young or youngish, fit, very happy appearing people, taken down like this.
We would be so much better able to oppose medical tyranny if everyone knew these stories. If asked, "Was it worth it?" even if they still believed those jabs protect some people, I think nearly all would say, "NO!" If not, add, "What if it happened to your son or daughter?"
The MSM is part of the criminal base, if only for not shouting these cases from the rooftops, so that only people living under rocks could 'not know'.
Excuse me...temporarily misplaced realization that MSM promotes the jab to this day.
My cousin, in her 70s, is jabbed and repeatedly boosted. This past winter, she had a strep throat for the first time in her life. Never had one as a child, she said. She also has a relatively new heart condition for which she takes meds.
She is a retired nurse.
She is unable to connect the dots, even now.
Total brainwashing, complete trust in the medical establishment.
She is intelligent, if by that one means capable of logical thinking. My own definition of 'intelligence' required reassessment, because of my cousin.
No one who regurgitates "authoritative" data and/or summaries, however accurately, is 'intelligent'.
A necessary base for intelligence is personal observation and contemplation, and possibly readings of studies, while armed with a good BS detector set to full capacity.
My cousin thinks about what she believes she knows.
But she believes falsehoods. She has very little that is factual to think about, due to misplaced trust in the medical establishment.
She's a nice lady, caring, and she tries to do good in her community.
But she cannot learn from life, for now, because she believes she is right on this, because she trusts her sources of information. She 'knows' the unjabbed are also unhinged, or propagandized and ill-informed, possibly paranoid/deluded, because MDs and very official health authorities told her that.
MSM does not disturb her impression of reality by relating discordant stories that might spoil the bliss of 'knowing' the authorities are intelligent and principled.
Her mind is so given over to the official Source of Narrative that she cannot take in, much less examine, alternative ideas for truth or falsehood.
It's rather religious really, her way of believing. She exercises a blind faith in authoritative voices.
She should exorcise it instead.
She doesn't realize she worships entrenched powers that consider her disposable. She does what they tell her to do, trusting their answers to her questions.
Maybe, the first commandment ought to have been, "Do your own homework! Be honest!"
But really, it is. The command, or wise advice, not to worship false gods does actually mean, literally, not to trust as an authority, anyone other than God. There is after all, only One real authority and source of truth.
I think, that does mean we need to do our own homework, honestly evaluate opposing narratives.
We can only look within for truth, after examining data, because our only potential point of contact with reality, truth, and God, is the awareness within ourselves.
An outside "authority" to which we surrender our minds, and for which we ditch a moral imperative to actively seek the truth, IS a false god.
It is really a "strange god", no part of us, and is an unworthy object of devotion and reliance.
I concluded that a willingness to investigate ideas under debate, against one's biases perhaps, and also to acknowledge whatever emerges as 'true' upon honest evaluation, is a necessary practical basis for intelligent thought.
Any computer is capable of logical manipulation of data, but that does not make it intelligent. GIGO.
People should respect themselves enough to access basic information, as much as possible, for themselves.
Too many, like unaware machines, accept the input, even the summaries, of others, as necessarily true.
My cousin is a nice lady. She means to be a good person, to contribute to the well being of her community, to be kind.
But sadly, she is very easy for "authority" figures to deceive.
One might try to speak one's own truth to her, but for now, she cannot hear or understand. Communication would strike the ear, to be rejected as nonsense. Blocked. Her defensive wall might even thicken.
Time? Other lifetimes? An event that opens her eyes? Yes, in her time, not my own.
No good thing or person will remain lost forever. I believe that, because it seems true from within.
All who can see through the false narratives, however lonely that status may be at times, are the fortunate ones, even aside from not being compromised by injections.
To be secure in one's knowledge base, to have "done your own homework" is good.
For the rest, I also believe that all human suffering serves a purpose, a divine purpose. And that no one who has suffered through ignorance or deception will not be compensated/rewarded/acknowledged with more life than they ever lost. It will be real, not a dream.
This world is difficult, relationships require effort, by design. By rejecting tyranny over our minds and bodies, we serve heaven.
Not one of us, they say (though I am inclined to be skeptical), gets out of here alive. That indicates it is a good idea to think, not in terms of winning or losing, but always in terms of how we play the game. Honestly? With integrity of mind and deed?
Peace to those who fell for the narrative, or who naively accepted an injection program in hopes of living a "normal life", not recognizing the dangers of unexamined belief.
It so often looks like "the end". But for those who tell the truth, here and now, this is only a beginning.
A "Great" Collection of Robinette Biden Abusing Children In Front of Their Parents on Video. Biden Choose Dopamine Hits Through Abuse Rather Than Alcohol
Biden's Father and grandfather were both the Dopamine Type of Alcohol abuser. They took great risks and often ended up broke. They abused Alcohol for their Dopamine hits, 7% of all people have this characteristic. Joe Robinette choose to abuse children instead. This gives him a huge Dopamine hit, and this is also how he is being controlled as the puppet he is. Imagine.
The unhinged leftists are trying to say since it's his grandchildren it's ok for him to touch them that way. He does it to every child. What kind of childhood did these freaks have to think this behavior is "comforting" and "loving"? #LiberalLogic#PedoPeter#CreepyJoe
— Rapidsloth (@Rapidsloth_) May 28, 2023
Saturday, May 27, 2023
When I Saw This Photo of Kissinger, I Thought It Was His Obituary, Instead His 100th Birthday
This photo was from 5 yers ago.....I wonder what that creep looks like now. Must be the Adrenochrome like Soros.
Could anyone call him a hero??? Methinks not. A cunning strategist.....sure, pure evil would be hard to argue against.
Kissinger, along with Nixon, also bore the brunt of criticism from American allies when North Vietnamese communist forces took Saigon in 1975 as the remaining U.S. personnel fled what is now known as Ho Chi Minh City.
Kissinger additionally was accused of orchestrating the expansion of the conflict into Laos and Cambodia, enabling the rise of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime that killed an estimated 2 million Cambodians.
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