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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

COVID Jab Kills In A Number of Ways, But a Cytokine Storm Is A Big One to Watch Out For: Warn Your Friends and Relatives

stock here: A potential immediate reaction to the COVID Jab (lets not call it a vaccine, as it is a gene therapy) is a Cytokine Storm.    This could happen near term, or next fall when or years from now, when you get the common cold or flu.

People are so awfully set in their are not likely to get them to change their mind on taking the vaccine or not.  

But you can at least get them to watch out for symptoms that something is not right, and pull the trigger on the trip to the emergency room, and not "wait to see how you feel in the morning", there may be no morning. 


Symptoms of a Cytokine Storm

Generally speaking, people don’t go from feeling perfectly fine to battling a life-threatening cytokine storm in a flash.

“By the time you have a cytokine storm, you’re probably on your way to the ICU or you’re there already,” says Dr. Yu. In other words, someone is already pretty ill and in the hospital by the time this critical situation develops. It is not something you need to be monitoring for in yourself or a sick loved one at home.

Doctors know whether someone is in the midst of a cytokine storm thanks to a combination of symptoms and lab tests.

Symptoms tend to include:

  • Fever
  • Widespread pain
  • Shortness of breath

Dr. Cron says patients also have very low blood pressure and a very fast heart rate.

Lab work often indicates:

  • Abnormally high liver enzymes
  • Elevated inflammatory disease markers like C-reactive protein and TNF
  • High ferritin (iron storage) levels

“A cytokine storm produces a lot of inflammation everywhere, including in the lungs,” adds Dr. Yu. Excessive inflammation in the lungs is what is leading some people with COVID-19 to require a ventilator.

Wild Space Weather -- And an Excellent New Site Covering Space Wheather


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Heard Of The Phoenician Navy (And Millennium of Control) Is Amazon The New Phoenician Navy?

Submitted by a reader.   

Truth be told, the story itself and modern manifestations of "Phoenicians" fascinate me and, based on historical records and genealogical research, also make a good degree of sense with -- precious commodities in rational if not western scientific investigations -- explanatory and predictive power

Miles Mathis, Guest Writer, and “Spookery”

"Ancient" Phoenicia and its sea-faring folk indeed had wide range and influence, eventually mixing it up with and likely intermarrying with so-called "Jews".  Assisted in concealment by historians who always write their books on behalf of victors, the Phoenicians "faded into the woodwork", then operated behind scenes as directors if not producers of Grand Theater to this very day.  

Owning sources, managing distribution, and bestowing favors of money and information through Time -- especially controlling means of education -- assisted greatly ***THEIR*** successful dominance.  

For example, the "Roman Catholic Church" had completely succumbed to their infiltration and ingratiating influence by 1500 A.D. if not well before -- perhaps even before the Council of Nicea.  Usury has always played a large role in this process.  Similar processes today reflect their perennial effectiveness!

 A saying often attributed to Voltaire -- one version "‘To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You Are Not Allowed To Criticize’ -- seems itself misdirection.  

Suppose you cannot "find out", or learn, who actually rules over you in the first place!  Suppose those who rule over you supply "fake rulers", "puppets", a mask (or, per Fauci, TWO!) over their true visage!  Those "fronting" for the real rulers get all the credit, all the blame, and the rulers CONtentedly CONtinue their ascendancy, CON after CON after CON.

 So, Miles Mathis blew apart a piece of his own cover -- occasional laxity in thought and reason -- by "believing" me, then publicly labeling me, a "spook".

NASA Weighs In On Space Weather -- They Are Fully Informed, and Yet NOAA et al, Lie About Climate

 The first lady, with an unusual accent, is spot on in describing heliophysics as related to space weather.   It's 10 minutes, on her part.   

Laypersons will get something from this, even if they don't get all of it.   It might be the most important 10 minutes of your life, so pounce on it. 

But she also presents more information and other videos adn "photos" of solar wind, just not available anywhere else. 

This is 95% of what drives our weather and weather patterns on Earth.

Here is another take on space weather, this guy is a hoot at times!

Monday, March 1, 2021

11-11 By Tiller Wills: Must View (Discretion Advised) Rap Song That List Everything Wrong With The World, All The Great Evils and Symptoms, And The Last Half Is Everything Of Love and Light, Everything Beautiful In The World


He slips in Fukushima, Sandy Hook, and the 33rd degree. 

Warning, about 332 eff words in here, LOL 

 Embedded here, but please go watch it on Bitchute instead. 

 Note that on Bitchute it has 876 views, 41 Up, 2 Down
                      YouTube         190 views, 7 Up,   0 Down

Note that it was posted on YouTube one day before March 11th, 2019 2 years ago

Troubleshooting Enphase Videos