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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Narrative -- It's All About Getting Rid of Trump

The “narrative” has certainly progressed over the last year  and in my view, not in any good way.

But here are some old white guys that seem to have a pretty good grasp of history and politics.    We all seem to get very convinced that a certain “view” is totally correct, but these guys might provide a broader view.    John Anderson, of Australia, and Victor Davis Hanson of USA.

Those that “Self censor” are doing a horrible disservice to themselves and society, and that will result in sub-optimal results.    The left controls a massive bullhorn, through media, Hollywood, and seemingly into sports (are you entertained yet?)    And this is being used to create civil unrest, fear of “the virus” and fear of each other.    The censorship and propaganda should be more than obvious and the negative ramifications should be more than obvious.    Carl Jung recognized a large group of very intelligent people who  based their opinions and actions mostly on feelings rather than well thought out cause and effect.

Those that refuse to visit a non-censoring site like Bitchute (alternative to youTube, along with Brighteon, and a few others out there) because it is “far right” are operating off of too low of information.    Censorship will get worse, and lets play the Trump card, it’s all about getting rid of Trump.    The reaction to the virus, the lockdowns, the murder of 60,000 seniors in nursing homes, it is all about getting rid of Trump.   

And censorship and propaganda will get worse into the election and beyond.     And for every point of unemployment that remains persistent, roughly 50,000 additional deaths will occur from  spin off effects.     And another effect that those who seem to really want “big government aka Marxism” is that destruction of small business, which these start /stop /start reinvest and then stop again regulations restrictions and lockdown are going to really  destroy the biggest economic driver and the spirit of America, the independent thinking small business person.  

Government official get no big contributions from small business, no kick backs, no huge projects that can be skimmed from.     And there have been many in power, especially in the intelligence agencies that have committed serious, treasonous crimes against us, the American people, another reason they “must get rid of Trump” and Barr and Durham.

So for those who haven’t quite admitted to themselves that all this funded insurgency and excessive over blown and intentionally damaging reaction to “the virus” is really all about getting rid of Trump, well, you should admit it to yourself, because then the next step can be looked at…..the price you are willing to have others pay.   

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Letters From The Governors That Murdered 60,000 Nursing Home Patients

Collected these weeks back, just no time write up everything I would like.   Distracted by many real life events, or should that be, real life is distracted by evil twits with the terrible Triad of personality defects.

  stock here

119,196 Total Deaths "With COVID"

54,882 Of those deaths were at Nursing Homes.   46% of all COVID Deaths were at Nursing Homes!

Of those 54,882 NH Deaths, 46,981 were in "Bad Actor States", These are 23 States with

85.6% of the Nursing Home Deaths.  Many of these states forced COVID positive people into Nursing Homes.

They "needed the deaths".

Out of all the reported deaths, 46,981 were in Nursing Homes in Bad States, highlighted in yellow.

So 40% of all the Death reported, was in Nursing Homes in Bad States 

You want the Excel, and backup, it's here!
granny gate state data 062820.xlsx 


Listen to Dr. Elaine Healy, Vice Pres of Medical Affairs at a nursing home describe the frustration with the order and that no state health official would return her calls.

Hey Dems, we get it!  You want to win the next election and get back you power and keep from getting prosecuted, as well as avoid losing the gravy train that dems and reps have been sucking from.......but did you really have to MURDER GRANNY IN THE WORST POSSIBLE WAY?   Suffocating and no loved ones around?

  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperate need to do in key battleground states.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby blocking Team Bernie Sanders from visible opposition while protecting candidate gibberish from himself.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests. COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth.  All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.
  • Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme.  With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series. [Comrade Gretchen Whitmer knows this plan, hence she cancelled the Michigan venue]

Like to trace this one back, and verify the CDC docs they reference.   Note that none of the letters noted here have this disclaimer take precedence over their "orders"

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Beirut Attack Destroys Port and 85% of Grain, As Beirut's Central Bank Director Has Assets Seized, and Globalists Need More Fear and Distraction

stock here: How do you make fertilizer into a fertilizer bomb?


Watching the Videos, this was a double explosion, much like Reactor 3 in Fukushima.

Using one explosion to set off an even larger explosion.

The explosion source was not the "Ghost Ship" Rhosus from which they seized the Ammonium Nitrate in 2014.   That ship was tied up at the sea wall, not parked at the precious loading space by the grain elevators.

So they parked a "grain boat" by the grain elevators, which a MOAB on

That was the first explosion.   That then set off the 2.7 Megatons of Ammonium Nitrate stored in a warehouse further from the water.    The "Ghost Ship" was also destroyed in the blast, as it is no longer "reporting to satellites".

Practical Summary, Lebanon has another port in Tripoli.   Lebanon lost 85% of its grain storage in this blast.   They import 80% of all their food.

The Epicenter of the blast was immediately in front of the grain silos.  Capite?

There was a Ship called the Rhosus which was last pegged in Beirut, and is now "out of range" of satellite tracking.

Apparently this vessel became stranded there in 2014 when it was detained after a number of maritime safety deficiencies were found.    It was later abandoned by the owner.

Also, don't miss this....In the last months there have numerous attacks, explosions, jet fighter intercepts in Iran.    Internal moles have turned against the Iran Regime and "we have it all".   Not sure the endgame.

Lebanon is already challenged on a number of fronts.

Far bottom is some before and after, including satellite pictures.

When the narrative needs changing, or a temporary distraction until another narrative can be rolled out, a couple of military attacks and/or explosions is standard in the playbook.

These can have multiple "purposes" in the "perfect world".

For instance, probably not many people know that

About two weeks ago during July, a Lebanese court ordered the seizure of assets of the governor of the central bank, Riad Salameh.

Now a major bomb explosion rocks Beirut

The globalist cartel does not like central banks being challenged ... the explosion perhaps an instance of how central bankers retaliate?

But this is not-congruent with this also being a bomb....unless the General Director is also on Epsteins flight logs, LOL, aka Bad Actor.

The General Director of the Beirut stated that tons of Ammonium Nitrate exploded in the harbor, this was confiscated years ago and stored in warehouses in the wharf.

Newer thoughts....Lebanon is 60% Muslim, by weakening them, destroying food supply and economics, then a false flag attack from "Lebanon to Israel", followed by a real attack from Israel to Lebanon will drive Muslims to leave Lebanon in droves and then "caring" Europe will take them in for a third wave of invasion (I mean immigration)

also see this on target website


Trump hints that the Beirut explosion was a bomb:

Some views of the explosion.    Very interesting, in the first clip a woman screams out "babe" and then a man responds "I'm good, I'm good".   Surprised to hear English.

More angles
They do have "mini nukes" like the type used in 911 to "create space" for the buildings to fall into.

Some scenes definitely show firework type light ups.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

COVID Fudging Data Openly By Bad Actor States, 10 States Analyzed

stock here: click AND Open in New Window for a  Large View

I wasn't going to do COVID research today, but once you get down a rabbit hole!

Wisconsin has 279 people in the hospital, this is .0048% of population, only 88 is in intensive care, yet on August 1st they mandated a mask rule with a fine.

Pennsylvania put all of their intensive care patients on the Vent, the surest way to kill them. 

Rhimes with Transylvania, LOL

The 10 states depicted, representing just shy of half of the USA has an average of 0.0233% of the population in the hospital.

Data Source (very left)

Spanish Flu data source

IC 1

500k to 1M Protestors March In Berlin Against Government Overreach!!!!! Sheep No More

stock here.    It's time, time for push back.

The power hungry, the greedy, the psychopaths have got away with it for so long, with no ramifications, that they both feel superior to us people who just want to live our lives with some semblance of happiness and freedom.

In Germany, 500,000 to 1,000,000 resolute protestors marched against the Government, and it's over reach, including the absurd response to Corona.

Translated from German, check out the comments too

Media lie: Today there were over 500,000 people at the Corona demo

The organizer even speaks of 1.3 million. In any case, the largest demo against a German government since November 1989.

It is probably one of the most grotesque lies since the lie press existed: In unison, the media give the number of demonstrators between 17,000 and 20,000. Also in the Tagesschau, the regime's current camera.

Dear people, I was there. The Straße des 17. Juni was full from the Brandenburg Gate to almost the Great Star! In any case, that's more than 500,000, maybe even a million. The organizers spoke of 1.3 million.

This aerial photo, published by Bild-Online, gives you an impression (free media had no aerial photo
access ...). Everything crowded. And then the lie of picture: The picture is cut off at the lower end. Every Berliner knows what the Straße des 17. Juni looks like: The Soviet War Memorial is halfway there. That is not on the aerial picture of picture at all. But the crowd not only extended to the Soviet War Memorial, but the full distance to the police line in front of the Great Star. Image shows just a quarter to a third of the route. So we are lied to ...

More at translated link

Some say this Federal Chancellery has a Satanic look to it.

Troubleshooting Enphase Videos