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Sunday, December 20, 2020

33 Great Reasons Not To Allow Any Reported COVID Vaccine To Be Injected Into Your Body

As expected, there are more and more problems and Negative Health Events being reported for the untested experimental vaccine.     

This goes against a founding principle of the medical profession "First, do no harm".  

In Australia they are pretending that they are cancelling a $750M program of vaccinations because "it causes false positives" which to any thinking, should immediately see that as a bullshit excuse, a cover up.    The PCR test, which is the only test being used to identify "COVID Cases" generates 90% false positives.  

Many would say that in order to keep the fear levels high, and the excuse for "excessive control" and economic damage in place, that certain people in charge, wanted to have as many "cases" as possible.   

So having a vaccine cause false positives is certainly not a valid, true, or believable reason to walk away from a $750M program.    How is it even possible to spend money that fast?


For those who tend to obey authority without question (few in Alaska, I wager), it’s likely you've not
looked closely at what’s going down. The so-called vaccine (actually it’s a ‘therapeutic’) includes a chip that can be read at a distance. 

Since it was approved under emergency status, the experiment requires tracking each subject throughout its lifespan. BTW, the word “experiment" implies “unproven’. The animal testing phase of safety permitting was skipped in order to narrow the timeline of normal development. 

What usually takes a decade was reduced to less than a year. We were told urgency was necessary as Covid has a recovery rate of over 95 percent and seems to kill only people with multiple co-morbitities and/or the aged. 

The Covid vaccine is different than a traditional vaccine as it contains a lab-made sequence of genetic MRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) material. It is designed to invade the body’s cells and set up shop in its DNA, where according to the experiment’s authors, it makes copies of the Covid virus in order to give the body a head-start learning to cope with it. 

A renown German physician and scientist, Wolfgang Wodarg, calls it genetic manipulation and suggests most people should reject it. Additional cautionary reports follow.

 Learn about Messenger RNA:




America’s Frontline Doctors, Simone Gold


Whitney Webb reports:

"...Given that the Covid-19 vaccine [is now being injected into Alaskans] it appears that the US national-security state, which is essentially running Operation Warp Speed, along with “trusted messengers” in mass media, is preparing to enter the second phase of its communications strategy, one in which news organizations and journalists who raise legitimate concerns about Warp Speed will be de-platformed to make way for the “required” saturation of pro-vaccine messaging across the English-speaking media landscape."


“...Aside from the troubling aspects of the COVID-19 vaccination strategy as outlined above, there is the separate issue of the way in which these “populations of focus” will be chosen and identified. Palantir, the big data firm with deep and persisting ties to the CIA, has created a new software tool expressly for Warp Speed called Tiberius. Not only will Tiberius use Palantir’s Gotham software and its artificial intelligence components to “help identify high-priority populations,” it will produce delivery timetables and map out the locations for vaccine distribution based on the masses of data it has collected through various contracts with HHS and data-sharing alliances with In-Q-Tel, Amazon, Google and Microsoft, among others."


Dr. Francis Boyle, global bio-weapons expert, discusses the Covid scare and purported treatment (30:00)

Anti-Vaxxer Brandy Vaughn, Murdered, After Years of Intimidation

 stock here:  This one was already on my radar, but this writeup takes it up a notch. 


 ON YouTube, and I will put on Bitchute

She described how she came home from Sacramento to find a key to her house, which she had previously hidden in her bushes, out on her doorstep. “That day I had my locks changed and I installed a $3,000 alarm system two days later,” said Vaughan.

She was later informed by her alarm company that someone had set off her alarm at 3:45 in the morning and immediately disarmed it with the master code, which Vaughan said no one had but her. Whoever entered proceeded to walk down her hallway, setting off the monitor sensor, and opened and shut her dining room window before leaving the house at 3:49 a.m.

“After the incident I talked to some security experts who have actually done intimidation for corporations, and they said, they were probably tapping your place.”

Vaughan described how only days later, she found her computer moved from its hiding place above her microwave to the middle of her kitchen floor. After leaving town for a couple of weeks, she returned with a friend to find her ladder, which she had kept in her garage, just outside a bedroom window of her house — the only window with the blinds kept open. A neighbor informed her that she hadn’t seen the ladder there the day before.


Friday, December 4, 2020

Abusive Behaviour: The Best Compilation of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Video

Robinette means "Small Robin". Seems like "Great Eagle" would be a better middle name. But to name 3 generations with the same weird middle name?


Note how Wikipedia claims that Biden is, in fact, the President-Elect

Also note that Beau Biden's name is really Joseph Robinette Biden III

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Odd Newtonian Physics Effects and Equations and Explanations

  The Dzhanibekov Effect ---------------------------

Coriolos Acceleration


and another shot at it

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Various Thoughts On This Attempt to Install A Flawed Candidate and Steal The Election -- Some Fairly Radical

stock here -- a collection of thoughts from the web

It should be brain-dead easy to conduct fair elections


Has the Trump admin seen the threats but not the seriousness of acting against them with due force and speed?

Are they trying to "play nice, clean" and not acting too powerful for being power shamed?


As trump waits for the courts, he will get weaker and weaker, and be a lame duck for the rest of his term as the globalist Dems have planned and even announced before the election. Knowing that Trump would win they did all they could to rig the election not even caring if they were caught. 

To the globalists time is of the essence. The entire UN Agenda 21 (the Great Reset) for the planned totalitarian controls over virtually everything, as <b>announced </b> as the New World Order even by our illustrious globalist and socialist pope, is being trotted out in our midst.

Your Great-Reset lite President could well be part of the plan. But if not then he has to heed Archbishop Vigano (recent US Papal nuncio) and realize that the biggest mass deception and scam being committed against the human race in history in the Covid fraud, and as Vigano says, it is a pretext for the UN and Dem backed globalist Great Reset which is the rolling out of the first stage of the 1992 UN Agenda 21 plan, 

which first stage was endorsed by our pope and over 180 nations in NYC at the UN on Sept. 15, 2015. It is not conspiracy theory that the pandemic is providing the necessary government control mechanism to shut down our social, financial, commercial, and economic systems for the planned resets. 

It is fact. The Covid controls are not necessary for our safety or health. They are necessary to imposed centralized government controls over virtually every aspect of our lives. The pandemic was planned for this purpose.

Trump will never get another chance to declare a state of national emergency either based on the massive voter fraud committed by the same globalist frauds and/or based on the evidence of the globalist Covid fraud. Also, Gates, Fauci have predicted a second wave, which based on all the planning and fraud in the first wave with all the harm to everyone is a threat to national security. If Trump does not act and remains Covid-fraud lite and Election-fraud lite, then he is either useless or on the other side, and Vigano and others are wasting their breath.

Trump has a duty to defend the nation from such threats and deception, and to protect the Constitution from the globalist onslaught to deconstruct democracy and the nation. This crisis demands clear decisive intervention on an emergency basis to shut the perpetrators down and to make the appropriate arrests, as well as intervening in the fake media to ensure that the people get the facts and that there is proper exposure of all the evil being done. The longer Trump is sucked into waiting for the courts to decided anything before he acts, the more certain the Resets will be imposed, and then good-bye America.


All this penny anti fraud here and there won't get Trump into office. The real problem and where the major fraud is with the computers as something this massive this quick can't be done by humans. I'm sure it's only a coincidence, wink wink, but Dominion Systems that supplies a good chunk of the hardware and software used for elections is part owned by Diane Feinsteins hubby. One of the chief executives used to be Pelosi's chief of staff. They got a lot of funding from the CLINTONS. Nothing to see here move along.

According to the video on CD Media about Electronic Vote Fraud by a cyber security expert, interesting one hour eye opening walk you through the whole process video unlike the garbage 200,000 watermark ballots, said the way things are set up someone can go in and change the votes and it can't be detected or leave evidence of the hack. Hopefully he's wrong.



This stiff is being told what to say, they all are, it's all been corrupted, all the power brokers have given in to the coming reset, craftily being guided from above, by the five eyes and their all seeing artificial intelligence simulation, predicatively guiding the herd under constant thumb of fear and propaganda on mass.

From the local station, to national news, your Congressman to your priest, they're all being directed what bullshit to feed you today by a fucking CIA program so powerful it requires the ice cooled waters of the Rockies to cool it, hubs across the Nation to run it, and .lines criss crossing the globe to feed it.  THE BEAST IS ALIVE!

One of my really good friends is a nurse. She recently got laid off. There are no Covid patients and all the stuff she normally used to do - cancer screens, hernias, etc, and stuff are not happening because everyone is afraid to go to the hospitals.



It was always about subjugating and punishing a gullible public into believing ‘man in white coat’ knows best. Though said ‘scientist’ is bought, paid and owned 110% by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Lockdowns only aim is to set-up the 1st world for the GREAT RESET.

Nothing more - nothing less.

If the Biden election fraud is allowed to push through, this process for the USA, neigh world speeds up.

Well done folks.

Here’s a factual vid to spell out the data, and why Sweden is able to enjoy life ‘The OLD NORMAL’



I agree. Therefore, it must be clear that a peaceful and prosperous path forward requires much more than just the expectation that they will suddenly 'see the light' and 'get on board'.

America's survival depends on such a path.

And look, really, who in their right minds actually WANTS such a path, such a solution? Very, very few of the 'good guys'.

However, no ostriches. No eggshells. No snowflakes.

Analyze for the best solution for the future you want and execute.

There can be no tip-toe here or we'll be living in some Middle Eastern hell of perpetual conflict for the next, like, you know...forever.

F#ck that. NIP IT IN THE BUD. Once and for all. 



Its a good read, but the author is discounting Trump's stubbornness. He's not going to make it easy. He's spent the last 4 years letting the globalists use him as a punching bag to expose their agenda and leftist hate. The world is watching us. Trump has supporters across the world. It could just go the other way also. This could be the dawn of a new era of freedom across the world....

Ok maybe wishfull thinking. But I'm hoping for the best.

Sorry. Drump lost and (so far) he can't prove fraud that's serious enough to change election outcomes. By mid- January the General Services Administration and Capitol police will remove personal effects and documents from the WH. On Jan 20th they'll escort the President out the door.

True, If, by chance the Electoral College is deadlocked, then the House votes, with delegates selected by state Legislatures. A few votes may change, but not enough to make a difference. If still deadlocked, the House Speaker becomes President.

As an admittedly partial observer, the Trump team is projecting a lot more confidence than I would expect. They still have a few cards to play and I'd bet we don't see all of them until December.


The USA will fall 2023/24.

It is written and the 2017 celestial event showed it and how it plays out.

I am the only astrologer in America or maybe the world that understood this sequence.

There will be refounding, by us not (((them))).

Rocky roads ahead but there is going to be nothing like this in the history of the world.

It will be what the founders visioned but didn't last very long.

Have faith and stay vigilant.

Love and devotion to the vision wins.

It has changed modality to air, this is a very big deal.

It portends the birth of a king, but for a king to be born a king has to die.

This is why I chose this date which is also the solstice.

The conjunction is 0* Aquarius. Later Pluto moves into Aquarius.

This is the time of the people, the many not few.

This is not the time of communism, this is the time of the tribe.

In that a tribe has power and self determination.


This is much bigger than Trump vs Biden or Rep vs Dem. If the electoral fraud we are witnessing with this presidential election is allowed to stand we will never have an honestly counted election again. This is an inflection point in the history of our Constitutional Republic. Future generations will curse us for our stupidity and laziness if we do not defend our Constitutional Republic against the forces that coordinated this electoral fraud. The democrats have told us they will stack the US Supreme Court with political hacks, do away with the Electoral College, use COVID as an excuse to take away our Constitutional rights and they will ensure they control the count in any election going forward. Joe Biden said "We are entering a long dark winter."  I don't think he meant this winter season. He meant it as a period in American history.  



Perhaps martial law can be avoided, but it is necessary to act against the Left on grounds of high treason.  By one means or another the Democratic Party must be proscribed and eliminated.  The MSM must be broken up.  The bankers must also be arrested and eliminated.  In short the threat from the Left must be eliminated.

There must be confrontation at some point.  Trump may remain essentially as a figurehead if he will not fight, but his Administration must be cleansed of the Globalist traitors by some means.  For the moment the first line of defense is to save the Trump Administration and prevent another four years of harassment and attack on that Administration from the Left.

That defense will likely require the use of force at some point.  Seeing that the force used is clearly defined in intent and in action may be tricky.  Still, it will be necessary.  Initiation of violence should be seen as coming from the Left which will justify counter action.  

By all means organize militia where possible.  Certainly avoid indiscriminate violence and if martial law means indiscriminate violence avoid it, but do not shrink from violence either.  The modern, organized Left represents the greatest threat to liberty since WWII and may be even greater as its presence is felt in some 180+ countries around the world.  We face a struggle for global domination.  The Left is not just an American problem. This is not a matter to be treated lightly.  We, who oppose the Left, are in mortal peril.  Let this not be forgotten.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Regimin of Vitamins To Stay Strong Against COVID/Flu And AS Treatment If You Have Symptoms

 stock here: If you have symptoms, do not ignore them, and tell others.

Some friends in Hawaii had their 47 year old brother complain of not feeling good at 8PM yesterday, and when checked at 10PM he was dead.   No morbidities except minor diabetes.

We are at a modern day Galactic Cosmic Ray Maximum. (GCRs)

This affects

Cardiac Health

Mental Health, and spin off effects on physical health

and feed to Confusion and Effective Cognitive Decline.

And I have never seen the Earth's Magnetic Shield at ZERO for this long period over 2 days.....That let's even more GCR's down to ground level, and our bodies are pelted with GCRs and their spin off products, creating free radicals in our bodies....which the anti-oxidants can mitigate.

Combined with the intentional stressors being created by the Cabal / Media is a recipe for disaster.

Throw in many weakened immune systems as a product of reduced social interaction and having our immune systems be strengthened by being "exercised", and it's even worse. 


So eat a pro-biotic diet.   I have covered that dozens of times in these pages.

And take these supplements now, to stave off Flu/COVID

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Total All Cause Deaths in USA 2017 thru 2020. How Come 2020 Monthly Rate Less Than Other Years? Question the Narrative!



2017 Total Deaths US: 2,813,503 (234,000/month)

2018 Total Deaths US: 2,839,205 (237,000/month)

stock here -- some would say this is a crazy conspiracy theory.....but wait, it's from the official data

Question Everything



2019 Total Deaths US: 2,855,000 (238,000/month)

2020 Total Deaths US (jan - week 9/26): 2,130,000 (236,000/month)

2,130,000 + (236,000/month x 3) [Oct, Nov, Dec] = 2,838,000 [assumption based on monthly avg]

2020: 2,838,000 [3-month assumption insert]
2019: 2,855,000
2018: 2,839,000
2017: 2,814,000

Why did select [D] govs push C19 infected patients into nursing homes?

% of total C19 deaths attributed to nursing home(s)? 

Who is most susceptible? 

Same [D] govs who pushed C19 infected patients into nursing homes attempting to keep State(s) closed? 


Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 10/11/20 3:08 PM Permalink Location Search Description Options

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawyers Release Statement of Kyle’s Actions on 25 August, 2020

Hilarious comment seen on the net
I think most of the dem voters (at least the White ones) understand what the dem establishment is all about and what its doing. And they're still on board. Somehow they really seem to think destroying this country and genociding the White People will somehow lead to a Star Trek style communist utopian Wakandan paradise or something. These people are fucking delusional.

VERNON HILLS, ILLINOIS/ August 28, 2020/ Pierce Bainbridge is honored to represent 17-year old Antioch, Illinois resident Kyle Rittenhouse, who has suddenly found himself at the center of a national firestorm and charged with murder after defending himself from a relentless, vicious and potentially deadly mob attack in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

On August 25th, 2020, Kenosha spiraled into chaos following the Jacob Blake shooting. The Kenosha Mayor and Wisconsin Governor failed to provide a basic degree of law and order to protect the citizens and community buildings in Kenosha. The city burned as mobs destroyed buildings and property, and looters stole whatever they wanted. Rioters defaced storefronts, the courthouse, and many other public and private locations across the city.

After Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters. Later in the day, they received information about a call for help from a local business owner, whose downtown Kenosha auto dealership was largely destroyed by mob violence. The business owner needed help to protect what he had left of his life’s work, including t
wo nearby
mechanic’s shops. Kyle and a friend armed themselves with rifles due to the deadly violence gripping Kenosha and many other American cities, and headed to the business premises. The weapons were in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines.

Upon arrival, Kyle and others stood guard at the mechanic’s shop across from the auto dealership to prevent further damage or destruction. Later that night, substantially after the city’s 8:00 p.m. curfew expired without consequence, the police finally started to attempt to disperse a group of rioters. In doing so, they maneuvered a mass of individuals down the street towards the auto shops. Kyle and others on the premises were verbally threatened and taunted multiple times as the rioters passed by, but Kyle never reacted. His intent was not to incite violence, but simply to deter property damage and use his training to provide first aid to injured community members.

After the crowd passed the premises and Kyle believed the threat of further destruction had passed, he became increasingly concerned with the injured protestors and bystanders congregating at a nearby gas station with no immediate access to medical assistance or help from law enforcement. Kyle headed in that direction with a first aid kit. He sought out injured persons, rendered aid, and tried to guide people to others who could assist to the extent he could do so amid the chaos. By the final time Kyle returned to the gas station and confirmed there were no more injured individuals who needed assistance, police had advanced their formation and blocked what would have been his path back to the mechanic’s shop. Kyle then complied with the police instructions not to go back there. Kyle returned to the gas station until he learned of a need to help protect the second mechanic’s shop further down the street where property destruction was imminent with no police were nearby.

As Kyle proceeded towards the second mechanic’s shop, he was accosted by multiple rioters who recognized that he had been attempting to protect a business the mob wanted to destroy. This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker.

Kyle stopped to ensure care for the wounded attacker but faced a growing mob gesturing towards him. He realized he needed to flee for his safety and his survival. Another attacker struck Kyle from behind as he fled down the street. Kyle turned as the mob pressed in on him and he fell to the ground. One attacker kicked Kyle on the ground while he was on the ground. Yet another bashed him over the head with a skateboard. Several rioters tried to disarm Kyle. In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker. The rest of the mob began to disperse upon hearing the additional gunshots.

Kyle got up and continued down the street in the direction of police with his hands in the air. He attempted to contact multiple police officers, but they were more concerned with the wounded attackers. The police did not take Kyle into custody at that time, but instead they indicated he should keep moving. He fully cooperated, both then and later that night when he turned himself in to the police in his hometown, Antioch, Illinois.

Kyle did nothing wrong. He exercised his God-given, Constitutional, common law and statutory law right to self-defense.

However, in a reactionary rush to appease the divisive, destructive forces currently roiling this country, prosecutors in Kenosha did not engage in any meaningful analysis of the facts, or any in-depth review of available video footage (some of which shows that a critical state’s witness was not even at the area where the shots were fired); this was not a serious investigation. Rather, after learning Kyle may have had conservative political viewpoints, they immediately saw him as a convenient target who they could use as a scapegoat to distract from the Jacob Blake shooting and the government’s abject failure to ensure basic law and order to citizens. Within 24-36 hours, he was charged with multiple homicide counts.

Kyle now has the best legal representation in the country. With help from Nicholas Sandmann attorney L. Lin Wood, Pierce Bainbridge and multiple top-tier criminal defense lawyers in Wisconsin immediately offered representation to Kyle.

Today, his legal team was successful in working with the public defender to obtain a several-week continuance of his extradition hearing to September 25th. This at least partially slows down the rush to judgment by a government and media that is determined to assassinate his character and destroy his life.

Kyle, his family, the team at Pierce Bainbridge and his other lawyers intend to fight these charges every step of the way, take the case to trial and win an acquittal on the grounds of self-defense before a jury of his peers.

The legal fees and other costs of Kyle’s defense will be provided through donations to #FightBack Foundation Inc., a Texas 501(c)(4) foundation created by John Pierce and Lin Wood to protect law abiding American citizens whose rights are being trampled on by state and local governments that are more concerned with appeasing mobs than protecting those rights.

Pierce Bainbridge founder John Pierce praised Kyle’s strength and resilience. “A 17-year old child should not have to take up arms in America to protect life and property. That is the job of state and local governments. However, those governments have failed, and law-abiding citizens have no choice but to protect their own communities as their forefathers did at Lexington and Concord in 1775. Kyle is not a racist or a white supremacist. He is a brave, patriotic, compassionate law-abiding American who loves his country and his community. 

He did nothing wrong. He defended himself, which is a fundamental right of all Americans given by God and protected by law. He is now in the cross-hairs of institutional forces that are much more powerful than him. But he will stand up to them and fight not only for himself, but for all Americans and their beloved Constitution. We will never leave his side until he is victorious in that fight.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Narrative -- It's All About Getting Rid of Trump

The “narrative” has certainly progressed over the last year  and in my view, not in any good way.

But here are some old white guys that seem to have a pretty good grasp of history and politics.    We all seem to get very convinced that a certain “view” is totally correct, but these guys might provide a broader view.    John Anderson, of Australia, and Victor Davis Hanson of USA.

Those that “Self censor” are doing a horrible disservice to themselves and society, and that will result in sub-optimal results.    The left controls a massive bullhorn, through media, Hollywood, and seemingly into sports (are you entertained yet?)    And this is being used to create civil unrest, fear of “the virus” and fear of each other.    The censorship and propaganda should be more than obvious and the negative ramifications should be more than obvious.    Carl Jung recognized a large group of very intelligent people who  based their opinions and actions mostly on feelings rather than well thought out cause and effect.

Those that refuse to visit a non-censoring site like Bitchute (alternative to youTube, along with Brighteon, and a few others out there) because it is “far right” are operating off of too low of information.    Censorship will get worse, and lets play the Trump card, it’s all about getting rid of Trump.    The reaction to the virus, the lockdowns, the murder of 60,000 seniors in nursing homes, it is all about getting rid of Trump.   

And censorship and propaganda will get worse into the election and beyond.     And for every point of unemployment that remains persistent, roughly 50,000 additional deaths will occur from  spin off effects.     And another effect that those who seem to really want “big government aka Marxism” is that destruction of small business, which these start /stop /start reinvest and then stop again regulations restrictions and lockdown are going to really  destroy the biggest economic driver and the spirit of America, the independent thinking small business person.  

Government official get no big contributions from small business, no kick backs, no huge projects that can be skimmed from.     And there have been many in power, especially in the intelligence agencies that have committed serious, treasonous crimes against us, the American people, another reason they “must get rid of Trump” and Barr and Durham.

So for those who haven’t quite admitted to themselves that all this funded insurgency and excessive over blown and intentionally damaging reaction to “the virus” is really all about getting rid of Trump, well, you should admit it to yourself, because then the next step can be looked at…..the price you are willing to have others pay.   

Troubleshooting Enphase Videos